Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Beginning Of The End

I woke up to the sound of chirping birds. I groggily look over to my alarm clock. It's red numbers glow 8:42; June 6, 2014. The rays of the sun are shining through my window.

I groan. It's a summer day, not even 9, and I'm wide awake.

Deep laughter interrupts my thoughts. I smile as I recognize the laughter coming from my 18 year old brother, Trystan, and his best friend, Spencer.

I've had a crush on Spencer since I was 12. He has scruffy, dark hair and piercing, grey eyes. His eyes remind me of a storm. He makes me feel like I just survived a fatal storm. Anytime I'm near him my heart flutters and my stomach does somersaults. I remember when I realized I liked him.

It was the fall of 2009. A Friday evening, to be exact. Trystan, Spencer, and I were playing in our backyard. I was 12, and Spencer and Trystan were 14.

"Can we play hide-n-seek?" I asked.

"Hide-n-seek is for babies," my brother teases.

"Well then what do you guys wanna play?" I ask, sad that my brother was so rude about it.

"We don't want to play with you and your baby games," my brother says.

That hurt. I want them to like me. After all, they are a year older than me. I want to impress them.

With my brother's harsh words, I turn on my heal and start heading inside.

"I think hide-n-seek is fun," Spencer speaks up.

I stopped dead in my tracks, still facing the house.

"What? Dude, you don't have to say that. She's just being over dramatic," my brother says, awestruck that Spencer agrees with me.

"I like hide-n-seek. Hey, Ry, you wanna play with me?" Spencer asks stepping forward, to touch my arm.

I slowly looked up to him through my dark lashes. In that moment, the way the rays of the sun and wind ran through his hair and the way electricity was running through my arm, I realized how cute he was.

Little did I realize that crush would stay with me for the next 5 years.

Another round of laughter brought me out of my flashback.

"Duuuude," I make out Trystan's voice. "You just beat my record!"

"I told you, I kill at Call Of Duty.. Literally," Spencer replies.

Another round of laughter sounds.

After laying in my bed for awhile, I finally get enough energy to get up.

I walk to my bathroom, and turn on the water. I look at myself in the mirror. I have clear, porcelain skin, and dark brown hair with little red that falls about 4 inches past my c-cup boobs. I live in Southern California, about 5 minutes away from the beach. The reason I'm so pale and have dark hair is beyond me. All I know is the small amount of ginger in me doesn't allow me to tan. I have prominent cheekbones, and slightly-chapped, full lips. My eyes are chocolate brown, surrounded by long lashes. Although I'm not drop-dead gorgeous, I can be somewhat pretty if I try. I stand at 5'5" and weigh 116 pounds.

After the mirror steams up from the hot water, I strip. A few seconds later the hot water is stinging my skin. I grab my Herbal Essences coconut scent shampoo, and lather it throughout my brown locks. Once I've rinsed that, I run the conditioner through my hair. While my conditioner sits for a few minutes, I grab my razor and shave my legs and underarms. Then I wash my body and face. And finally, I wash out the conditioner.

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