04; the seal

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❝ if you want to be strong, learn how to fight alone ❞

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if you want to be strong, learn how to fight alone



BEHIND THE DOORS the place was quiet, seemingly empty to anyone passing by. But the three hunters knew differently. The open corridor split off, Sam nodded at the two behind him and took the left, Dean headed forward, leaving the left corridor open to Julia.

As she padded the hall, the woman felt a rising sense of dread fill her as she drew nearer to the darkened end. The one thing which she had tried to avoid like the plague had caught up with her so suddenly and unexpectedly that she hardly had time to realise what was happening. But now, as she headed deeper into her old life, her hunter instincts were beginning to kick in, welcoming her like an old friend.

Mercifully, the corridor Julia had been left with was deserted but as she noticed the Winchesters rounding their respective corners empty-handed, she knew that the worst was yet to come. The boys returned her shrug, silently indicating that they too had found nothing.

Swallowing her apprehension, Julia followed the Winchesters as they chose the final, undisturbed room. It was lighter than the rest of the building, owed to the candles placed at the four corners of a polished coffin at the opposite end. But this was not what caught the hunters' attention.

A sigil, unknown to Julia, was painted in a glowing white paint on the wooden floorboards where two figures lay unmoving. The woman had seen this room before; not with her own eyes but through the images projected to her only half an hour previously. Guarding the Reapers was a single, black-clad demon who paced the floor.

"Dude, check me out," Dean smirked; Julia narrowed her eyes at the man's passion for his job. There was no fear in his eyes as he strode forward before reappearing besides the oblivious demon. With a grunt, he punched it with all his might before disappearing as though he had never been there at all.

Julia made a face and touched the wall beside her, concentrating hard but her hand still slid through it effortlessly. "How the hell did he do that?" She muttered disgruntled, more to herself than Sam who shot her a look before doing the same. "Great, just me then."

While the Winchesters were busy using their newfound spirit abilities to take down the demon, Julia focused on the Reaper trap on the floor. Closing her eyes, she reached down to the floor, trying to get a solid form. Touching the ground, she found her hand slipping through it as if nothing was there. Grunting, she tried again, and a third time but with no luck.

"Goddammit," she shouted and slapped the floor, which suddenly felt solid beneath her palm. Stumbling back, the ex-hunter looked down in wonder. Her jubilant mood lasted all of a second before she found herself encased in chains, which four demons had surrounded her with while she had been distracted.

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