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RIDING HER bike to the Quarry, Ash felt a bit apprehensive. All the boys were going to be there, and all of them were going to see her in her bathing suit. Then again, who cared right? It was just Ben, Bill, Stanley. . .

. . .and Richie and Eddie.

Things were tenser than ever between them. It bothered her, to see the both of them on opposite sides. Because usually Richie and Eddie were so close.


Why the hell was she even thinking about Richie and Eddie? Who cared about Richie and Eddie!? Not her. She didn't.

Shaking her head, she continued pedaling to the cliff, where they had said to meet her, and was met with all five boys standing at the edge of it in their underwear, looking down into the water.

"You guys?" Ash asked, propping her bike against the tree, and they all turned.

"H-hey, Ashley. . ." Ben said, and then trailed off as she took off her slip, leaving herself in her underclothes and sauntered up to them.

They were all gaping at her, and Richie breathed, "Holy Mary mother of God."

"Beep, beep Richie." She answered, and he smirked.

"Could you show me that much on a daily basis? Cause I'd be pretty fine with that-"

Eddie punched him in the arm, and he stumbled a bit, laughing.

Ash almost smiled, for just a fraction of a second, but smothered it by pressing her lips together and joined them by looking down at the water below.

"Woah. That's high." She lifted her head to look at them and said, "So? Who's going first?"

"I will."

This time, they all turned to see Beverly Marsh grinning at them, stripping her own slip.

"Sissies." She laughed and ran towards them and jumped, her feet suspended in thin air as Richie shouted, "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

She landed in the water with a splash, and Ash looked at Richie, who was gaping.

He looked at the rest of the Losers. "Did you see her do that?"

He looked at Ash. "Babe, can you do that? Wait, on second thought, can you do me?"

"Shut up, Richie." She growled before taking a deep breath and jumped forward too, screaming as she hit the water.

She heard Richie say, "Fuck. We got shown up by my wife you guys."

Two seconds later she saw his body hurling towards her and swam out of the way just in time, seeing him shake his shaggy hair out of his eyes and shoot her a grin.

"Hey, babe. Nice to see you too."

The rest of the boys followed his lead, one by one landing in the water as well.

What progressed was various splashing, chicken fights where somehow Ash ended up on Richie's shoulders, and one spectacular win by Richie who shoved Bev off of Bill's shoulders with flourish.

And she was having the most fun she had ever had, hanging out with all the boys and Bev, who was just like Ash in a way.

Ash had noticed Bev and Bill shooting each other looks that they thought were secret when in reality they were far from it, and was shook out of her thoughts by an arm slinging over her shoulder.

"Richie, get your arm off my shoulders right fucking now or I will literally punch you in your face and then your nose will be broken and you'll whine and be like, 'My glasses keep sliding off my nose!!' And I'll look at you and say, 'Well, remember that time you didn't get your arm off my shoulders and I punched you in the face and can you see where I'm going with this!?'"

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