when your period comes on at her place

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You were in a shirt and underwear sleep with her. She woke up before witch is normal once a month. As she got up she see's something red. She pulls the covers down to see red around your lower half. "Love wake up." She said. You moaned in pain. "Lets get you a bath and some food." She said helping you up. She ran you a bath and got you things you needed.


You had a pad on just to be safe. You had your head on her shoulder. Then you felt your period cramps. You rolled your body on hers and had your head on her shoulder. She put her arms around you. "Awe my poor babe." She said. She rubbed your back as you whimper in pain.


You were balled up on her couch in a world of pain. She when to the store to get what you needed. Witch is chocolate, Advil, 2 liter soda, and pads. Jesy and Perrie were trying to make you fell better. Leigh was with Jade. Jesy gave you a heating pad. When you heard the door open. You were there. Jesy and Perrie cough a bit. You grabbed the bags and when to your room in her house.


The girls had took you to your room in Leigh's house case you were about to pass out of pain. Leigh know what to do. Plus you act like a big baby when your period is on. They got you to your room. Leigh took out your heating paid, advil, chocolate, and turned on the TV.

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