when you feeling worthless

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Ok so, you felt worthless when you and Jesy broke up. You found out she cheated on you. She don't know how much she broke you. But she seen the new video you posted she seen how broken you are. Your hair was a total mess, you looked so sad. She broke you.


You lost contact with her. You felt like she did not care. But she was watching your profile. You did not know. You just felt worthless. You just want to be with her. Perrie felt so bad. She missed you so much. She hated seeimg you with other girls. She just wants to be with you.


You found out she had cheated on you. You wear so heart. You felt worthless. You never felt like that before. So you moved away to the U.S. You did not want to be around her for little bit. You did know what to do. You had a bit of anger inside you.


Leigh would make you feel some type of away. You did not take to her or the girls. You were taking your last tour with them. When you and only you was on stage. They stopped talking. You smiled a bit. "I am going to sing a new song I made." You said. You sight a bit.

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