Chapter 1

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A/N: Hellooo, i’ve decided to write a fanfic as i’ve written some in the past but never actually finished one so here goes!

Remember this is a fanfic, so none of it is true, it may have elements that are but lets face it i’ve made most of it up, however if anyone wants to talk feel free to tweet me @Blondieethou or on my personal @CourtneyHuetson

Everythings upside down, and going in different directions at the moment you, reading this are probably wondering why so i guess i should start from the beginning, the very beginning? Ok well…

I’m 17 years old, currently meant to be in 6th form or collage but decided to get a job in the real world as school was starting to do my head in, however i havent found a job yet and live at home with my mum and 5 younger sisters and brother. Your probably thinking thats alot arent you? Well, their only my half siblings, as i dont really know who my father is. Truth is i’ve never meet him either, but that was all going to change. As i wanted to find out why he left my mum, and what he’s been doing.

11th April: today is the day, i’m meeting my real dad and his “family” meeting them in half an hour at the bowling place which is a bus drive away from where i currently live with my mum and siblings, i look at myself in the mirror not knowing if i look ok, if i look over dressed or under dressed. I mean i want to make a first good impression right? All i know is my dad was planning to marry this women, but things took a turn for the worse as they split for a few months which just happened to be when i was made, great right? nope, him and this women soon got back together soon after my mum found out she was pregnant, he told my mum he wanted nothing to do with the unborn child, he soon moved up the country, not sure where but i thought it would be a good idea to meet him, he brought his family down. I take one finally look in the mirror my hair fish tailed over my left shoulder, a black dress fitted to my upper body and flowed out a little to my knees, black tights and my worker boots on, to finish i put on my jacket and bowler hat and went to catch the bus. Making sure i had taken my phone, money and earphones. Mum was out so i text her saying i was off to meet the man who had left over 17years ago.

I pulled out my earphones and pulgged them into my phone and turned on some music since i did have a good 20mintues to waste on this bus. However soon those 20mintues become 10, and soon become 5. The closer i got the more nervous i got,i felt sick. I guess i hadnt thought this through i mean what if he didnt want to meet me? What if he doesnt turn up? I’m being stupid but my mine has gone haywire, i mean i’m about to meet the man who left all those years ago, i know i’m being stupid but i’m a panicker, i cant help it, its just the way i am i guess.

The next stop was mine and the bus stopped suddenly, i took a deep breathe before getting up and walking off the bus and down to the place where i would meet the man, because at this moment in time, he’s just a man, i dont know what he looks like, i dont know how tall he is, but taking a guess not very because i’m not that tall and neither is my mum, i dont know if he was a brunette or a blonde i dont know if he as blue eyes or brown eyes. I walked into where we’d meet, i looked around and saw nobody, i sighed and sat down at a table and waited. I was a few mintues early but only 2 or 3.

A few kids come in screaming of laughter i smiled as their parents shortly followed, thats all i wanted, a happy family, a mum and a dad that loved me equally, so they could fight over who’s little girl i was. As most girls were “Daddys little princess” or so i heared anyway, or thats what you read in most story books, but i wasnt. Being in my own little world, i didnt hear my name being called, i heared it again, the voice was deep i stood from my seat and looked around, stood across the short path was a man and his family. He said my name once more, and that was him. My Dad. I slowly walked over he was tall about 6ft 2, brown eyes and brown hair, he looked strong, he wore jeans and a casual top, his wife was about 5ft 9, her hair was clearly dyed as you could see her roots coming through the red bob, that looked like it needed to be cut, her eyes green and looking at me as i walked over.

“You must be Bo” the women said, i nodded “Bo? Charlottes daughter?” the tall man said” i nodded again “dont say much do you?!” the women said giggling, i looked down at my feet. “Well Bo i’d like to introduce you to my family” the man said, i looked up and saw no children, “Bradley?” great he had a son, but i knew how to deal with younger children, but a teenager about the same age as me walked towards us, a smirk was on his face, his brown hair carelessly curling pulled back with a white bandana,brown eyes looked at us. “Bradley say hello to Bo… Your sister” “Sister?!” i looked at him, him being taller about 5ft 6. “Yes this is Bo” “Hi” i weakly smiled at him, his smirk soften into a smile “hello sis” “youre both around the same age, you’ll get along fine now lets go play some bowling!” the women said, still didnt know her name.

We played a game of bowling, and i actually enjoyed myself, i talked to Brad as the parents were off at the bar most of the time, he told me he was in a band, they did youtube covers, which was interesting as i had a youtube to, i got Brads number as he said he’d like to meet up again to catch up on everything and so i could meet his band members, apperently i’d get along with them?

Before long it was time to go, they gave me a lift back to mine and that night i went to sleep happier than i had ever been before.

This little girl, who felt alone and broken for ages finally felt like everything was coming together nicely.


Helloo again, this is kinder bad, but i promise it will get better! dont forget to rate/comment/fan. 50reads and i’ll post the next part!

Also comment below any suggestions, & at the moment the cover isnt very interesting so if someone could make a better one for me that would be great and i will do something in return


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