Chapter 4

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I ended up reaching Pheonix Drop earlier than expected. I'm here to do another stupid wedding. I sigh, Blue used to love weddings... I miss her... STOP IT ZANE!!! SHE'S DEAD! GET OVER IT!! I reach the gates and see two guards fighting and someone behind one of the guards "Hello" The guards turn towards me as well as the person behind them "Zane" Both the guards say venom in their voices. I see the person behind peep out. I now see she's a young girl with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, she also has brown cat ears and tail. She looks just like Blue... SNAP OUT OF IT!!! "You're early, why?" One of the guards asks "Took less time to get here than I thought" I reply "And who might that young lady be? New recruit?" I grin wickedly, I'm going to kill her. No one will ever look like my Blue EVER! "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER" One of the guards shouts. I tut at his attitude "You shouldn't be treating The High Priest of Oh'Kasis like that" grrr the look in that girl's eyes too! It's just like Blue's...I need to get away before I start crying "Now, where will I be staying?"

 Lady Aphmau comes and shows me to where I will be staying "You will be staying here" She says before leaving. I'm about to go in when I realize the girl from before is watching me. This might be my chance! We make eye contact, "well," I say "Don't just stand there. Com in, have some tea" She cautiously comes in as I order my guards to make some tea. The girl looks down at the floor biting her cheek, Blue always did that when she was nervous... UGH STOP IT ZANE! "So what's your name?" I aks trying to sound friendly well I look for my sword "B Blue..." I suddenly stop, I I must have heard her wrong... she can't be Blue that can't be her name... "C Can you r repeat that?" I say turning around to face her now "M My name's Blue" She repeats. I Step back shocked, I end up falling backward onto the floor. She rushes over to me asking if I'm alright, once I finally gather my bearings I sit up and look at her. She she can't be... She can't be my Blue... "Zane? are you alright?" She asks me worriedly  "Y Yes, I I'm f fine" I reply "I know that it's been a long time, but you don't have to faint you baka" She giggles, she... SHE IS MY BLUE! "B Blue...?" I asked still in disbelief "Mmhmm" She hums rocking on her heels, I tackle her in a hug crying "BLUE ITS YOU!! IT REALLY IS YOU!!" I keep hugging her, not letting go afraid that if I do she'll disappear "I missed you Blue" I whisper still crying "I missed you too" She whispers, I hear her start to cry too. But somethings up with her... I can tell she's exhausted... "Blue...? When was the last time you slept" I ask pulling away slightly, I look into her eyes see that she has bags under her eyes... and scars?? cut?? and bruises??? What?! I gently brush my hand over one of the scars she flinches away slightly but acts like nothing happened "Well it depends on what you mean by sleep" She giggles tiredly "I mean like slept nicely in a bed and not because you blacked out" She ponders this for a moment before saying "The night before I last saw you" I look at her astonished "What?!" I shout worriedly, she flinches. I sigh frustrated and look at her sternly "Ok, time for sleep." She's about to say something but I interrupt her "Nope, no buts, ifs, or what's about it. Now!" I quickly pick her up and put her on the bed. She yawns and rubs her eyes "what about you?" She says barely above a whisper, "Well I could always just share the bed with you, we did that when we were younger didn't we?" I say taking off my mask setting it on the table as I smile softly. She nods curling up into a ball under the blanket, I gently lay down next to her and pull her close to me. I slowly fall asleep as I gently run my fingers through her beautiful dark brown hair.

The next more I wake up to see Blue fast asleep holding onto me, I smile and whisper to myself "It wasn't just a dream heh, you're really here. You're really alive." I gently hug her and kiss her forehead, I see her eyes slowly start to open and I pull back quickly blushing a bit. She yawns and rubs her eyes slowly starting to sit up "Good morning" She says quietly "Morning Bluey~" I say chuckling softly, Blue yawns again and buries her head in my chest holding on to me. I start gently petting her as I hum softly. I look down to see her smiling up at me so I smile back down at her and chuckle "I'm so glad to have you back" "Me too" I suddenly hear a knock and I sigh gently getting up. I'm about to open the door when Blue suddenly throws the pillow at me, I look back at her with a glare only to see her holding up my mask giggling "forgetting something~" She says with a smirk, I quickly rush over to her and put my mask on before quickly opening the door to see Aphmau who looks quite angry "Why Good Morning Lady Aphmau." "What have you done with Blue!?!" She yells angrily at me "She's been gone ever since you arrived!" I quickly try to figure out whether I should tell her Blue is here or not "Nope, I have no idea what you're talking about Lady Aphmau, I have done nothing of the sort." She glares at me before storming off. Blue slowly peeks out from behind the bed as I close the door "I should probably go before she tears the whole village looking for me heh" She quickly hugs me and just as she's about to leave I grab onto her wrist. She looks back at me with a questioning look "B Blue...Once this is over w will you come back with me to Oh'Kasis...?

Sorry for not updating, I kinda lost interesting in writing for a while. But I recently found the book where I wrote this fanfic on irl and have decided to try and update! No promise's on being consistent but ya! See ya my lil dragons!!

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