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You know how I said that bringing Harry here was a bad idea? 

I was wrong. Bringing Harry was one of my best ideas yet. For some odd reason, Adair and Harry automatically clicked and were talking as if they’ve been mates for years. It kind of did bother me since I met Harry first and now Adair thinks he can take him from me (not that he was really mine to begin with, I just met the guy for god’s sake). Not only did Harry and Adair get along but Cathrine won’t stop talking about her douschebag boyfriend while Harry has amazing manners and listens to every word she says. 

“Hey Fitz” Jamie said finally emerging from his room after he had been hiding up there for most of the day. “Is this hottie?” 

“Yup, I’m hottie” Harry said before I could get a word out. 

Jamie nodded in response and then walked right out of the door. 

“He’s going to meet some girl at Funky Buddha or some shit” Adair said. For some odd reason everyone told Adair where they were going and I never could understand why. He always knew the latest gossip of the house I swear I think that he has surveillance cameras set up in every room and a tracker embedded into everyone’s skin. “Speaking of which I’m meeting Will at Donoghue’s.” 

Donoghue’s was the local bar that decided to give us discounts on each drink we bought (over the years I’ve probably spent most of my money there). It was an old pub that has been run by the same family and they know each customer by name. The first time we ever went there it gave me a feeling of home, and ever since we’ve been going there. 

“I should probably get going” Harry says finally looking down at his phone noticing it was already about four in the afternoon. 

“Don’t be a stranger Harry. Whenever you want to come on over to the party house, you can. You’re always welcomed,” Adair said shaking Harry’s hand and walking up to his room to do God knows what. Literally though I’ve been friends with him for a long time, and I still couldn’t figure out what he does with his time. 

I got up from the couch and walked Harry out the door to his car. He got into the driver’s seat and I stood outside the window ready to say goodbye. 

“They have no idea who I actually am” Harry said with a laugh. I had forgotten to mention the whole boyband thing to them, and now that my roommates liked him, I didn’t want that to change. Harry was a really cool bloke, and whether he was a part of a bubblegum pop ‘you don’t know you’re beautiful’ boyband, didn’t change his personality. It didn’t change the way I thought of him, yet I don’t know if it were to be the same if the rest found out. 

“Now, they live under a rock” I said. 

“You’re really cool Dara Fitzgerald” Harry stated smiling brightly at me. For the first time in a while, he was making me feel good (not like the way most guys I meet do, if you know what I mean) , and I was feeling proud. 

“You’re pretty great yourself.” 

“Let’s hang out tomorrow” Harry said.

“And the day after that?”

“And even the day after that, and the day after that. Everyday if you so choose. I have to warn you though, my jokes just get worse.” 

“Oh, please I read your tweets” I said starting to walk away from his fancy car (which was surprisingly not broken into, because let’s face it, our neighborhood was not a good one). 

“And I read yours too! My favorite is your selfies!” Harry yelled out the window of his car as he drove away.

That arrogant mother fucker. 

Party Girl (Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now