How about this

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Graces pov

I was unbelted from my car seat and princess carried to the house by Louis.Louis opened the door to all the boys siting on the couch watching football. "Hey Lads"Daddy called out

"Hey"replied Zayn

"Yo" replied Niall

"How is it hanging" Said Liam

"Any news?" Harry asked

"Yes actually" Louis added in

"C'on tell us then" Said Niall

"Me and Eleanor are getting married!"

Louis said

The boys look at Me Daddy and Mummy shocked.

"What no way" Screeched Niall

Niall's Pov

I'm thinking what the hell is going on just a normal day they go out to go swimming and then they come back engaged like what the hell is going on in this world.

Grace moaned.

"Niall Horan apologise to my little girl for screeching and hurting her ears" Louis ordered at me

"I am very sorry grace for screeching and hurting your ears" I apologised to Grace whilst feeling bad that I had hurt her ears.

"It's ok uncle Niall" Grace said to me

Grace wriggled out of Louis arms and came and gave me a big hug.

Zayn's pov

Ok so let me just get this straight Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor are getting married?

"Does Grace know." I mouthed to Louis

"Yes" Louis mouthed back

"Oh" I said out loud

Harry's pov

Right Louis , my best friend as just proposed to Eleanor ok , does that makes sense. Anyway it non of my business it was Louis choice not mine.

"So you to are actually getting married" I asked Louis and Eleanor

"Yes we are" Louis said to me

"I can't believe what I am hearing here first it me and Peri and now them , who next ?" Zayn said getting Harry's attention most

"Well..." I answered

Liam's Pov

Ok so after what Harry had replied to Zayn I was thinking right Harry has obviously got a new girlfriend well don't you?

"Oooohhhhh" All of us said

"Guys it nothing so far I will tell you later" Harry said to us

Eleanor's Pov

"Grace I think it's your bedtime honey" I said to Grace

"Ok" Grace replied with a yawn

"Come on let's get you to your room" I said picking up Grace an carrying her up the stairs to her room.

I tucked Grace into her Blue warm snug covers and said "Good night my sweetheart sleep well goodnight."

"Goodnight mummy" Grace said to me

I walked out the room smiling completely , I just couldn't believe I had adopted a child and if course I am getting married I just can't wait.

I walked down stairs and sat on the coach next to Harry and Louis. "So Harry it is later now tell us about this girl" Liam says rising one of his eyebrows

Adopted by Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now