chapter 9

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you'd think I would be use to waking up in unfamiliar places. what with having moved around so much in the last few months. but no matter how many times ou move you wont get use to beig in a strange place. especially when you know your meant to be in a familiar place. you can only imagine my horror to find when I woke up. I was not starig at the roof of my bunk but instead im staring up at a forest. confused I sit up.

after a few moments of looking around I finally realise im in the forbidden forest. how on earth!?.

I get to my feet still confused and begin on the walk back to the school.

I enter the building just as the bell for breakfast goes. still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I begin to walk towards gryffindore tower when a very angry looking george storms towards me.

"hey george" I mutter sleepily "what are you doig here this early"

"this early trixie ITS 10 AT NIGHT!" he yells.

"w...what?" I ask confused.

"where one arth have you been" he yells.

"I....I dont know" I mutter "I just woke up in the forbidden forest. the last thig I remember is wakig up in the dorm because I was screaming. I had forgotten to put the charms up and had woken everyone up"

"this cant be good" he mutters "come on we have to go see mcgonnigal"

he grabs my arm and starts to drag me towards her office.

"uhh george. I kind of need to get changed" I state as a bunch of slytherin 3rd years are staring.

"oh right yeah" he says blushing red..

with a quick wave of my wand im changed and ready to go see mcgonnigal. he shakes his head and leads me towards her office again.

he knocks and her voice is heard calling "come in"

george opens the door to reveal the order plus my mother ginny neville luna harry ron hermione and draco.

"where on earth have you been?" draco yells "we've been searchig for you for hours"

"I dont know draco" I mutter "I woke up in the forest about half an hour ago. I have no idea what happened"

mcgonnigal exchanges looks with my mother befire returning to me.

"I think we will have to have a discussion about this in the mornig miss malfoy until then I suggest everyone keeps a watchful eye on her" mcgonnigal says.

"professor. can I have a word" I ask she nods and the others begin dissapearing. 

once everyone has left I turn to her.

"professor. whats going on?" I ask "I dont understand whats happening"

"none of us understand it bellatrix" she sighs "its a.....complicated matter."

I sigh knowig I wasnt goig ti get anything from her.

it suddenly clicks why my mother and her exchanged glances.

"this wasnt the first time this sort of thing has happened is it" I ask "the part where I wake up somewhere else"

"no" she agrees "you have done this a number of times. it is a lot like sleepwalkig except a lot more advanced"

I nod before exiting the room.

we went to bed almost instantly and I wake up to someone shakig me awake.

I bolt upright to find yet again I am not in the castle. instead I am beside freds grave.

"w...what?" I ask looking up at draco.

"come on trixie" he mutters "lets get you inside"

he leads me towards some bathrooms to wash my feet which were covered in blood.

he makes me sit on a counter and rinses my feet under cold water.

" so confused draco" I mutter "I dont know why I keep wakin up in these strange places. I dont remember even moving. its like im not even controlling my actions anymore. I cant live up to whatever the expectations are. I dont want to. I dont want to be here. I dont want power. im just....." by the end of it the tears are streaming down my face "im just bellatrix malfoy. the girl that missed 3 years of school stuck in her bedroom"

"your putting yourself down again trixie. your not just the girl that spent three years in your bedroom. your the girl who knew advanced magic when she was a 1st year. your the girl that went against the whoke malfoy sterotype to become the gryffindore princess. your the girl that was stupid enough to follow potter and weasley into the chamber of secrets. your the girl that was willing to suffer to get her friends out of there. your the girl that managed to learn how to be a full animagus and apparate by yourself. your the girl that was prepared to fight your own aunt to save your friends. you fought for your friends and family trixie. your not as stupid as you think" with that he angrily leaves the bathrooms.

I groan in frustration andfinish washing my feet from the blood.

I walk out of the bathrooms but instead of heading to the great hall I head back to the bedrooms to grab my books.

I enter the common room to find my friends sitting there. each look up as I enter.

"whats wrong" I ask instantly.

"we just.....we just didnt want to worry you" ginny mutters slowlys standing up.

"what do you mean gin" I ask confused.

"a letter arrived yesterday morning.  the owl literally dropped it on your usuial place and flew off." she says "im sorry trixie. we know we shouldnt have read your letters but we were worried"

"its fine" I state

"just here" she says throwing a letter at me.

it wasnt the usial style of letter. it was a computer writte one.

"bellatrix malfoy. alive. quite a scandal you have caused. but what does that matter. we finally have what we need. I would be careful miss malfoy. you wont be around friends much longer"

"oh" I mutter staring at the parchment. "brilliant. know what im just going to  class"

I hand the parchment back to ginny before grabbing my bag and leaving the common room.

I arrive in the charms classroom just as the bell goes.

everyone piles in and professor flitwich begins the lesson.

I feel my eyelids droop as the lesson continues.

im in what looks to be the shrieking shack. theres a single hair in the room and someone is sitting on it.
two people stand at the door in masks.
the person on the hair rises and stands before me.
"well miss malfoy. I see you have gotten our letter" he says.
"who the bloody hell are you" I snap.
"now now miss malfoy" he says chuckling "thats not a nice way to speak to me. especially when I have your dear brother here"
"what have you done to him" a voice that sounds like my own yells. the man smirks beneath his mask and nods. I spin round to see the people behind me open the doors and draco is dragged into the room.
"draco" my voice is soft and worried.
"trixie?" he asks. I dont think I begin to race forward just as I feel chains pull me back.
"you didnt honestly think I would let you escape so easily did you". you see your to precious to this operation miss malfoy."
"why am I so important" I ask.
"because miss malfoy. you are the descendant from a number of the most powerful families. the first female to be born from them. you are too important to lose miss malfoy. your brother on the other hand. well he is easy to get rid of"
  the spell hits draco before I can react

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