♡Chapter 4~♡

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Posting this before I have to study, got two tests tomorrow, ugh -_- but enjoy the chapter babes!!! 💕💕

50 minutes later

"THIS IS SO AMAZING!!!!" DJ yelled, daring to stand up on Cuddles.

"Nooo, it'sssss, noooot!!" Branch held on to Poppy's waist fearfully.

"We're almost there you guys!!" Poppy yelled, trying to ignore the fact she was blushing because Branch was holding her.

Once they were fully outside the tall grass, Cuddles stopped and they were in front of a river.

"I think this is where we stop." Satin said.

Everyone got off and stood on the ground before the river, staring at its blue glory.

"Soo, what do we do now?" Chenille asked.

"We swim?" Guy Diamond asked.

"Heck no! I'm not swimming all way to bergen town! That's too much." Chenille exclaimed.

"There has to be something we could do.. we can't just stand here!" Poppy said.

"Let's build a boat-"

"Let's build a boat!!" Creek exclaimed.

"That's a good idea Creek!" Poppy shouted.

"Yeah, good thinking!" Biggie said.

"Hah, It was nothing guys."

"But, I just said that!" Branch yelled angrily.

"Said what?" Poppy asked.

"I sai- nothing." He looked away.

"How are we gonna make a boat?" Smidge asked.

Everyone looked around for any useful materials.

"We could grab some sticks but it has to be a lot. And when I say a lot I mean a loooooot. And we're gonna need rope or something able to tie up something else." Branch explained.

"Alllllright. Let's go then!" Poppy exclaimed, and everyone went their separate ways, while Cuddles just sat there (A/N: Poor Cuddles 😂)

Sticks were the easiest to find, but it was just rope that was hard to find.

After everyone came back, they put all the sticks in the middle.

"Geez, that's a lotta sticks." Cooper said moving his neck forward and back.

"Okay, now we just need something to tie these up with. I think I might have a rope.."

Branch went to his bag and dug for a rope which he successfully got, but something fell out.

"Hey Branch something fell out your bag." Poppy said trying to glance at it.

"Wha- AAH!" Branch quickly picked up the item and put it in the bag.

One of Poppy's invitations fell out his bag, and he didn't want anyone to see it. Or any of them.

"Thanks Poppy," Branch groaned and rolled his eyes, and Poppy smiled sweetly in response, making his heart stop a bit.

Seriously, stop with that...

"Alright people, let's get to work." Branch held the long rope in his hands.


"It looks great!" Poppy squealed.

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