Chapter one

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  I was in England for the summer and was really excited to be there. I had been saving up for almost two years. Being seventeen now I was able to convince my mom to let me go by myself, as long as I called her twice a day I was good to go.

 Having just arrived two days ago I was really excited but had no idea what to do, so I just sat in my hotel room for a few days being bored, and not the "ill just read a book then I wont be bored anymore" bored. Just complete and utter boredom. So finally I decided that it was time to go out and do something before I became part of the furniture in my room. Grabbing my phone and bag off the table, I left.

  After a little bit of walking around, passing many stores with names I didn't recognize, and little cafès I came across a cool looking candy store that was kind of hidden down a side alley. Being the crazy candy lover that I was it was no hard decision for me to go in.

  The first thing I noticed when I walked in was that it was pretty much empty, except for one employee, an older looking couple staring at a wall filled with licorice, and a boy with blonde hair talking to the man standing at the counter who was back on to me.

  For the fact that I loved candy so much this was just like heaven for me. I quickly grabbed a basket and turned down the first aisle available to me. Thankful that I had enough money saved up for this sort of thing I gladly picked up anything and everything that looked remotely good. I'm not sure how long I was there but after about the fifth aisle I had about three quarters of the basket filled.

    I was turning down another aisle and wasn't looking where I was going because there was an interesting box of chocolate in my hand that I was looking at, when I ran face first into someones chest, I caught a glimpse of blonde hair before I fell.

  The person i ran into was slightly luckier than me. However the stuff that we were carrying went everywhere. "Shit" I breathed, and quickly went to grab my stuff and get out of there as soon as I could to spare me some dignity, but soon realized that it was going to be hard to get my things fast  considering we had alot of the same things. we had pretty much all of the same things. Silently I cursed myself for being clumsy. "Sorry," I muttered shamefully, "I'm a bit clumsy at times."

   "It's alright love." I heard a strong Irish accent reply, "I should have been looking where I was going. When I looked up at his eyes I instantly knew who he was, I held in a gasp and quickly looked away hoping he didn't realize that I recognized him. "It looks like we pretty much had the same things anyways so it souldn't be too hard to sort this stuff out".

  He gave me a quick smile and I had to fight the urge to freak out on the spot. When we finished sorting out our things he looked at me and smiled, I smiled back and said  :You look familiar!", of course I knew who he was but I wasn't about to act like a crazed fan or anything. He just smiled wider, a knowing glint in his eye.

   "OH!" I exclaimed, " I know why you look familiar, your Niall Horan from the group One Direction! you guys were great on the X Factor." I clapped my hand together pretending to be really proud of myself for figuring it out. The truth is I really like One Direction and Niall was my favorite but I definately wasn't going to tell him that. "Yea", he said "I am indeed the Niall Horan, and now that you know my name may I ask you yours?" he added with a wink.

  I swear I almost passed out. "Sam," I managed to stutter out, "Well Samantha Squires actually, but you can call me Sam or Sammi." 

   "S a m m i," He said slowly as if trying out the name for the first time "I like it, so Sammi you seem to have the same taste in candy as me, which one is your favorite?" He asked with excited eyes. I had to laugh a bit at this because Niall was known for his love of food.

   "Honestly im not sure, I haven't actually tried these before, they just looked yummy to me so I picked them up" yummy? I thought please tell me I did not just say yummy to him. I could feel my cheeks getting warm and I instantly knew I was starting to blush.

   "Well personally these are my favorite," Niall said holding up the box I had had in my hands before 'running into' him. "But the other ones you have there are just as good, I think you should get it all" I told him I would and went to the checkout with him to buy it.

   I managed to get a picture and his autograph before we walked out of the store. I was honestly surprised that he did give me his autograph. Just as I was about to walk back into the busy streets from the alley way he called out to me. "Sam?, can I have your number before I go?" I think I blushed a little but nodded anyways and gave it to him.

   He told me that he would call me sometime to hang out together because he had fun today even if it was only for a little while. He turned and walked down the opposite way I was going towards a black van parked just to the left. I figured that that was how he was going to leave without being mobbed by fans. I left with the biggest smile on my face barely believing that Niall Horan just asked  for my number. I sure hoped that he would call me soon.

  When I got back to my hotel room I quickly took out my phone and texted my two best friends Zakk, and Jane and told them that I had met a really nice guy while I was out shopping but I didn't tell them who I met, just that he was really cute and that he asked for my number and said he would call me later.

  They were both really excited and couldn't wait to see if he called me. Jane wanted all the details, like what he looked like, Was he polite? Where is he from? Is he British? But she was  going to have to wait because I was too tired to explain everthing to her at this point.




 I know my chapters aren't that long

but later on in the story they will be longer

xoxox cross33 <3


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