Nialls P.O.V
I went back to my flat smiling, the girl I had met at the candy store was unbelievable, it wasn't like she was drop dead gorgeous but she was cute and seemed to have a great personality which is something I like in a girl.
When she ran into me I had noticed that she had picked up pretty much all the same things as me even though she had never actually tried them, I liked that she didn't really care as long as it looked good. I could also tell that she knew who I was but she was nice enough not to freak out.
When we were talking I found out that she was from Canada and had been saving up to come to England for some time now. She seemed like a really nice girl so I asked her for her number and I told her id call her later. It might have been a bad idea considering that she could give my number away to anyone, but for some reason I trusted her with it. But now I'm really nervous and don't know if I should call her or not, shes probably sitting there waiting for me to call.
I was sitting on the couch thinking about what I should do, when the lads walked in. I didn't really notice them until Liam looked at me and said, "Niall? What happened to you? Your face is bloody glowing and your staring off into space."
"I'm not being spacey" I said embarrassingly knowing that I wasn't totally there.The guys exchanged a look then sat down around me. They were just staring at me and smiling, "What are you guys staring at?!?!?!" I asked exasperated. Louis just smirked at me and Harry raised his eyebrows at me. "What!!! I swear if you guys dont tell me what's going on I will not eat for an hour." This caused them to laugh because they knew that I could not do it.
"You met someone didn't you?" Zayn asked with a wise look in his eye.
I looked at him surprised, "I..Uh.Well.I..I...Uhm.." The boys jumped up and laughed.
"Haha we knew it, your emotions always show clearly on your face," Liam said gloating. Ughh,I thought, I might as well tell them.
"Yea okay, you guys are right, I did meet someone." I didn't expect them to start jumping and squealing like fourteen year old girls but that's exactly what they did. After their excitement wore out a bit they sat down and that's when the questions started flying.
"So..who is she? What's her name? Is she nice?" The questions were flowing faster than a river after a rainfall. "Whoa lads slow down with the questions, i'll tell you if you guys just shut up." They all quickly shut up and became quiet which kind of surprised me.
I took a deep breath then started "Right then, so I met her at that awesome candy store I always go to, and when I was turning down an aisle she ran into me, literally, and well we just started talking. I found out that shes from Newfoundland, Canada and she talks really fast cause apparently that's the normal way they talk in Newfoundland. It's a bit hard to keep track of what she's saying and her accent is kind of like mine but not as strong.
She's not drop dead gorgeous but shes beautiful all the same, she knew who I was but didn't freak out and go all fangirly. Her name is Samantha but she prefers to be called Sam or Sammi, she's been saving up for almost two years to come to England and she's here for the whole summer.
She's 17 and still has one year left of schooling, apparently in Canada they don't finish school until their 17 or 18, She's funny and smart and really nice, and when we were leaving the store I asked for her number and she..well.. she gave it to me."
I looked down afraid that they would make fun of me but the guys just looked at each other and smiled again, I was getting a little tired of their silent conversations.

The Irish Boy
FanfictionSammi had been saving for two years to go to London England, and she finally saved up enough money. Little did she know that she would meet the one guy shes been crushing on for ages. Can their love survive various obstacles or are they destined to...