You're Never Alone (Suicidal! Elias x Reader)

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Made: 9-23-17
Published: 10-15-17

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful and majestic day! If not, I hope you are now! :3

I want to say sorry for not publishing in such a long time and I'm also sorry if this is horrible! I'm such a horrible author! T^T

So I was looking through my gallery and found this picture. I can say that I can actually see this happening so I decided to write about it. I feel sad just reading that head cannon that person has. My poor baby. T^T

I hope you enjoy. :3

Not good enough. That's what I am. No matter how many times I've tried, I'll never be like my father or brothers. I let a tear roll down my face as I sat in the corner of my dark and quiet dorm room. Nobody besides me was in there. Why? Just why can't I be as talented as my father or brothers? Why am I the one who is always looked down upon? I tighten my hold on the razor I had in my hand. The only thing that gave me comfort at times like this. My pain reliever. My friend. I looked down at it, seeing my reflection in it. Staring back at me was a broken boy. I look pathetic. I might as well just end my life right now so I don't have to disappoint my family anymore. I slowly got up and started heading to the bathroom.

When I made it to the bathroom, I closed the door before turning to the mirror. Once again, staring right at me was a pathetic, broken boy. My usually silky blonde hair was all over the place probably all tangled up while my eyes were blood red from the crying I had done earlier. I let out a bitter chuckle. "Pathetic like always, Elias. Couldn't be more of a disappointment.", I said. I stared at myself one more time before pulling up my sleeve and slowly lifting up my razor. As soon as the cold metal made contact with my skin, I shuddered. I then slowly pushed it into my skin causing the skin to break and a vine of red blood to trickle down my wrist. I let out a shaky sigh of relief and pain. I made another cut. You're worthless. Cut. Useless. Cut. Pathetic. Cut. Unwanted. Cut. A burden. Cut. Nobody loves you. Cut. I continued doing this until my whole wrist and arm was covered in cuts, blood trickling down before it fell off and hit the ground. I slowly fell down to my knees. I let out small gasps of pain and relief. It hurts, but it feels so nice. Like as if I'm slipping away from this world. Just then an idea came into my mind. I glanced at my cut up wrist before glancing at my razor. Maybe. Maybe I'll finally be free from this pain and misery if I press this razor deeper into my skin until it hits a vein. I moved my razor to my skin once again. Maybe they'll finally understand that all I wanted was to be accepted for who I am. I took a deep breath. Maybe they'll finally miss me. Just as I was about to dig my razor into my skin to end it all, the door slammed open. I let go of my razor in shock causing it to clatter onto the floor.

"Elias! I was wondering if you'd lik-", a familiar voice said before coming to a stop. I slowly looked up at the last person I wanted to see me like this. Her usual cheerful (E/C) eyes were wide open in horror and shock. "E-Elias?", She whispered before running to me. "Elias!", She yelled as she made it to my side. She knelt down grabbing me by the shoulders.

"(Y/N)...", I whispered out, not knowing what to do.

"You idiot! What do you think your doing!?", She yelled. I stayed silent. Instead of yelling for an answer, (Y/N) got up and started looking through the cabinets for the first aid kit. Once she found it, she quickly knelt back down next to me and began treating my wounds. Not one of us speaking a word. Once she was done she put the first aid kit to the side before grabbing my hands and looking down. I slightly wince in pain. "Why?", (Y/N) whispered out to the point I could barely hear her.

"Huh?", I asked. Suddenly she looked at me. I felt my eyes widen in shock at the sight in front of me. She was crying. Her beautiful (E/C) eyes were filled with great sadness and pain. I felt like someone had stabbed me. Like they had grabbed my heart and crushed it before giving it back to me.

"Why? Why did you do this to yourself?", She asked, her voice full of sorrow.

"I-I....", I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Why did you hurt yourself? What made you do this? W-"

"Because I'm not good enough.", I said. "Because no matter what I did, everybody kept telling me what a failure I am. How I'll never be as good at magic like my father or brothers. How much of a disappointment I am to the Goldstein family.", I whispered out, my voice trembling as I was to the point of crying again. "S-So I thought maybe I should just end myself here. Maybe then I could finally be free. Finally be missed."

"Elias...", (Y/N) whispered gently. I let out a bitter chuckle.

"But who am I kidding? Nobody would miss a useless, worthless, and pathetic person like me. A failure.", I said. "Maybe I should just di-" I was cut off as I felt a burning sting on my cheek. I held my cheek as I looked at (Y/N) in shock. She glared at me as her eyes began to water.

"Shut the fuck up.", She said, her voice trembling. "Just shut the fuck up! I don't ever want to hear you say that you should die! Or that you're worthless! You are so much more than that! You're talented, smart, amazing, and worth it. If anyone says otherwise, they're wrong and can just go fuck themselves and their bull shit!", She yelled out, tears streaming down her face. She then hugged me tightly. I felt my eyes widen in shock. "Don't ever hurt yourself like that again, Elias. I can't bare the thought of you killing yourself. I can't bare the thought that the person I love killed himself.", She whispered out. I was left speechless. She....loves me? (Y/N) loves me back?


"Please promise me you won't do this ever again."

"I-I....I promise.", I said. I felt (Y/N)'s hug tighten a bit along with a sigh of relief escaping from her. We sat there on the cold floor, holding each other like our life depended on it. After what seemed like hours, we finally let go of each other only to stare into each other's eyes.

"Elias...", (Y/N) whispered before leaning in. I did the same.

"(Y/N)...", I whispered back. Our lips were so close together that if were were to move just a little bit more, our lips would meet.

"I love you."

"I love you too." With that, our lips connected to each other. It was nice and sweet and full of passion. Our lips fitted perfectly with each other, as if we were meant for each other. When the need for air became necessary, we parted. We leaned our heads together, smiling at each other. "I love you so much.", I said.

"I love you so much too.", (Y/N) said back.

"I'm glad you came when you did. I don't want to think of what could of happened if you didn't."

"I'll aways be here for you, Elias. Just know that no matter what, you're never alone.", She said. My smile widen a bit more before kissing her again. I now knew that even when the whole world was being cruel to me and discouraging me, I'll never be alone because I have (Y/N) by my side.


I really hope you enjoyed it! If you didn't, I'm sorry! Q^Q

Well, I hope you have a wonderful and majestic day! Bye bye! :3
~ DeathGirl27

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