Sweet (B/N) (Klaus x Pregnant! Reader)

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Made: 11-1-16
Published: 11-23-16

Hey everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful and majestic day! If not, I hope you are now! :3

I want to say sorry for taking so long and I'm sorry if this is horrible! I'm such a horrible author! T^T

Requested by WizardessCandyLove


(Y/N) - Your Name
(F/N) - Friend's Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(B/N) - Baby Name
(B/G) - Baby's Gender

It was a beautiful day as I walked through the halls of Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy carrying a gigantic stack of books that my friend, (F/N) who's now a professor at the academy, needed. Why does (F/N) need all of these books anyways? All they're about is pregnancy and baby stuff. I paused and thought for a bit before a thought seemed to hit me like a ton of bricks. Maybe she's pregnant! I smiled and continued walking. I hope she is! I wonder what Elias' reaction will be once he finds out. I couldn't help, but giggle at what his reaction would be. I bet he'll be all flustered that he got her pregnant yet happy. After those thoughts, I couldn't stop smiling as I made my way to (F/N)'s office.

~Timeskip brought to you by (F/N) the bookworm~

After what seemed like hours, I could finally see (F/N)'s office, but as I was walking, I couldn't help, but start to feel nauseous. I shook my head a bit. I must still be sick. For some reason, I've been throwing up quite a lot. Especially if I saw certain foods even some of my favorites. Though I just shrug it off as me getting sick. It's winter after all. I finally made it to the door and knocked. "You may come in!", said a muffled cheerful voice. I opened the door and walked in. "Oh! (Y/N)! You're here and you brought the books I asked you to bring!", (F/N) said cheerfully as she took the stack of books from me.

"Of course I would bring them! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?", I said with a smile

"You would be a very rude and mean friend.", said a deep familiar voice I knew. I jumped slightly in surprise and looked over at the person and saw Klaus.

"Klaus? What are you doing here?", I asked curiously.

"What? Can't I be here?", Klaus asked as he narrowed his eyes. I shook my head quickly.

"N-No that's not what I meant.", I stuttered out nervously. Klaus chuckled.

"I was messing around with you.", he said.

"Meanie!", I said as I crossed my arms and pouted.

"You're so cute when you try to be mad.", he said. I blushed. Dang you Klaus! You're always making me blush no matter what you say. I guess that's one reason why I love you. "Anyways, about your question on why I'm here, I had to discuss something important with (F/N).", Klaus said.

"Oh, I see.", I said with a smile. There was suddenly an awkward silence. Gosh! Why did everything suddenly go awkward!? After what seemed like hours, (F/N) let out a cough causing her to break the awkward silence. Thank the majestic llama goddess! I thought the awkward silence was going to kill me.

"Anyways, thanks for bringing me the books. I hope it wasn't a bother.", (F/N) said with a smile.

"No, it wasn't a bother at all.", I responded. "Though I'm curious, why did you need a lot of books about pregnancy and baby things?", I asked curiously. "Are you pregnant by chance?", I asked. (F/N) blushed and let out a awkward and embarrassed laugh while Klaus chuckled.

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