~ Shall We Name It Anathema? ~ pt 1

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1.something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.

"racial hatred was anathema to her"

synonyms:abhorrent, hateful, odious                              


"Hana," the voice said again in her head, trembling her eardrums, causing her to grind her teeth, "Lee Hana..."

That voice was all too familiar. The voice of that fifth grade teacher she absolutely despised, Miss Jung. She utterly despised the woman more than anything else.

"Keep clean, Lee Hana, don't want to get your beautiful fingernails dirty," she'd say, "think, Lee Hana, use your beautiful brain!"

And that peppy smile. She couldn't hate anything more. Her entire existence made Hana upset.

"Anathema," the voice now said, belonging to Hana herself, "someone or something someone vehemently dislikes," a slow laugh, "Miss Jung is my anathema..."

Dreams were interesting things. Entering a state in which your mind temporarily lets you see absurd things, all a state of mind, the dreams where you feel like you're falling through clouds, the vapor moistening your skin, the swift winds blowing you around like a feather.

"Hana-Ah!" Miss Jung said to her one day, "You're hair was so brown, long and beautiful! WHat have you done?!" 

She frowned upon her newly dyed electric green hair, cut short, just above her elfish ears. Always curly, covering up to her eyebrows, leaving her eyelashes, blue from mascara, and bright pink eyeliner completely visible. Lee Hana only smirked.

"Glad you like it, cheng-chung," the girl mumbled under her breath, smirk grinning as she walked off in the opposite direction.


All she could remember was that night. She lay awake in her bed, writing, wearing her to the grave outfit. Of course it was the trends. That's all she did it for, actually. Her breath smelled of spicy foods, probably the spicy Cheetos that were littered across her bed, and judging from her red tongue and fingers, that was probably the case.

She yawned, taking a look at the clock hung up in her room. 4:25.

No one would be coming to get her at four thirty, if it was now five minutes to stated time. She chuckled to herself and sauntered into the kitchen, fishing in the fridge. Pulling out some nearly stale kale chips she closed the door, coming face to face with a man in a suit.

"Splendid morning, is it not?" he asked.

Her eyes moved from the man, to the clock on the wall. 4:29.

"You've made a mistake, sir," she said, voice stopping in her throat, the bag of kale chips shaking as she held it beside her, it moving with her trembling hands.

"Nope, dear. Hana Lee.... Lee Hana... whatever. Korean descent. Lesbian. You," he pointed toward her, "My friends are taking care of your parents-"

"Eomma!" the girl yelled, the love for her parents greater than anything she ever had, "Appa!"

"They can't hear you sweetheart," his cruel eyes drifted down to her face, tears streaming down, "They've already forgotten everything about you. As will everyone in this city," a wicked laughter escaped his lips as his reinforcements took her from behind.

"No.... You can't....." she said, words barely forming; she was in shock.

"Yes, indeed we can," he answered, as her body, limp from the drugs she previously inhaled, was placed into a van, parked right outside of the curb.

She cried as she sat there, in the trunk, by herself. Being extracted from your family, everyone who you cared about.... Never to return. It was undeniably an overwhelmed feeling. Emotions took her over. She tried to pull out of the bindings, but all they did was tear away at her cream coloured flesh.

"Na moshage hae..." was all she could repeat to herself, rambling in Korean, she was delirious.

The humming of the engine was all she heard, other than her heartbroken sobs. And slowly, she drifted off to sleep, never to be heard of again.


yesh its short i know the next one might not be as quick as this but i mean enjoy my presence and stuff k baii

~~ summer

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