Goodbye for now

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 Chapter 6

We'll Come Back 

“Narnia belongs to the Narnians just as it does to man anyone who wants to stay and live in peace are welcome to.” Caspian looked at Aslan “But for any of you who wish. Aslan will return you to the home of our forefathers”

“it's been generations since we've left”

“we are not referring to Telmar” Aslan said Hermione looked at Aslan “you're ancestors where pirates from another land, there they found a cave that bought them here from their world.” Aslan turned to the Kings and Queens “the same world as our Kings and Queens it is to that island I can return you. It is a good place for any who wish to make a new start”

Hermione watched as 3 people left and a baby it was like no magic she had seen before it was beautiful but scary. “how do we know he is not leading us to our death.”

“we'll go” Peter said looking at Aslan before Hermione

“we will?” Edmund said

“Come on” he looked at Edmund then Lucy

“times up” he turn to Caspian “after all we're not really needed here any more”

“I'll look after it until you return”

“that's just it” Susan sighed “we're not coming back”

“we're not” Edmund questioned confused “you two are at least I think he means you two”

“but why did they do something wrong” Lucy said worrying

“Quite the opposite dear one, but all things have their time, you're brother and sister have learnt what they can from this world” Peter and Hermione looked at each other and smiled “now it is time for them to live in their own”

“and what about Hermione where will she go”

“I'll be here waiting for you as things have changed for me in my world” she looked at Aslan.

"you promise" she asked 

"of course" Hermione said

“it's alright Lu” he took her hands “it not how I thought it would be but its alright” he said looking at Aslan, the Narnian's then Hermione “one day you'll see to. Come on”

Hermione hugged Lucy and Edmund "may out next adventure be even grander" she grinned 

"i can't wait" Edmund said smiling taking Lucy's hand walking away

"Maybe it's a good thing you're staying he is going to need you" they both looked at Caspian the was talking to Susan. "Look after him and Narnia" he hugged her 

"i will" she whispered

"My High Lady" he kissed her hand

"My High King"  she smiled

Peter watched Susan as she walked over and then looked at Hermione who was watching him and they both smiled and Peter nodded. Hermione held Caspian's hand, her smile started to fade as she watched them leave nervous Caspian squeezed back.

Peter looked around Narnia was gone with Hermione inside. he then realised he was holding Lucy's hand, Lucy squeezed it.

“Well!” said Peter “we have had a time.”

“Bother” said Edmund “I've left my touch in Narnia”

he looked around at them all and then laughed and they all joined in.

it's not over yet btw i had to put them into chapters it was annoying me like so bad i'll edit it better as well 

ps that song has been in my head non stop i think it's sweet anyway xoxox

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