Bella Don't Go

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Adrianas POV

I was sleeping next my dad and Bella was sleeping away from everyone in a corner. He had an arm around me. Dad held onto my arm tightly as if he thought I was going to disappear. I didn't blame him though. I did in fact disappear on him for 60 years but it wasn't exactly either of our faults. It was silent for awhile. Well not completely the occasional shuffle, groan, snore and Bofur lightly tapping his foot as he kept watch. Sleeping really isn't my strong suit. I could stay awake for days. Elves didn't need sleep they sometimes went into an alert sleep state but only when they need to heal. Being half elf means I don't need much sleep. Everything was normal until a louder shuffle alerted me. I looked around as quietly as possible and attempted at not waking my father. Epic fail he blinked and have me a questioning look. I held a finger to my lips and slightly tilted my head din the direction of the sound. Dad looked and his eyes went wide. It was Bella she was packing up her stuff. First I felt sadness then anger at my father. Bella was feeling sadness, regret, little bit of anger and that warm fuzzy feeling. Dad on the other hand was feeling abandoned, regret, self hate, and the fuzzy feeling.

"Where are you going" Bofur asked Bella as she made her way out.

"Back to Rivendall" Bella answered weakly.

"You can't leave your part of the company now" Bofur exclaimed.

"I'm not though am I Thor in said I should've never come and he was right. I don't belong with you people I belong home" Bella sighed.

"I get it your home sick" Bofur said.

"No you don't none of you do your used to this life living on the ride not belonging any where" Bella snapped. I could tell she didn't mean to say it but it still cut deep. "I'm sorry that was mean."

"No your right we don't belong any where. But I wish you all the luck in the world I really do" Bofur slapped Bella not he back. Just as Bella began to leave her sword started glowing. "Whats that?"

"Oh no" Bella unsheathed her glowing sword. That's when the ground split in half and sand started pouring through the crack.

"GET UP GET UP" me and dad cried frantically. The dwarves groggily sat up confusion written on her faces. But we where to late the ground opened up dumping us all down a chute. I screamed at the top of my lungs as a jagged rock sliced my arm.

"Adrian" dad yelled. My scream was cut off when we all fell into a crudely bone made cage. Instantly I knew where we were. The Goblin caves.

"We are so screwed" I muttered trying to stand up. "Everyone get up the goblins are coming!" Our attempts at standing up were useless we were all cramped and tangled. I really started panicking when slimy goblin hands grabbed me.

"Adriana" dad tried to fight his way towards me but was restrained.

"GET your hands of me" I squirmed and kicked. Wait my hidden knives. I managed to grab on and I started slicing and dicing. The goblins eventually got smart and bound my hands. The grossest thing into the world is goblin hands they are so slimy and disgusting. Bella! where's Bella did she escape? I craned my neck and saw the goblins totally pas her up. As the goblins dragged us away Bella was left. I'm glad at least she can escape our fate. Which is most likely sealed.

Bellas POV

The goblins totally passed me. I was left on the wooden walk way completely alone. As if it was reflex or maybe just fear I brandished my sword.

"Okay Bella be on high alert" I whispered slowly making my way forward. No goblins where around so I let my guard down a little. Stupidest thing I could've done. A goblin attacked me from behind. Startled I swung my sword in an failed attempt to block the attacks. I'm an awful fighter but luckily this goblins was too. We clashed weapons for a bit when the goblins shoved me off the boardwalk. "Your going down with me" I grabbed the goblin and we both tumbled down down into the dark.

Adrianas POV

Dad somehow made his way over to me and walked next the the goblin dragging me along.

"Wheres Bella" he whispered to me.

"The goblins didn't notice her she slipped away" I answered quietly.

"That's good" dad mumbled under his breath. It was is quiet I shouldn't have been able to hear it but I did. Closing my eyes I silently pray we make it out of this.

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