Chapter one

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I sighed as I took a piece of cheesecake out of the cooler and looked at my coworker Missy. "Wanna share?" She shook her head and reminded me she had a dinner date with her boyfriend Ryan at 9.

I grabbed a fork and stabbed it into my cheesecake and looked at the clock. "6 more hours until I can go home and cuddle my pillow"

I was a waitress at a greasy spoon diner. It wasn't the greatest job but it was a job nonetheless and I needed the money since I wasn't going to high school anymore. I told my parents I was taking a year off from school before college. They agreed, but they weren't going to pay for my year of sitting around and being a lazy ass. I had to get this job.

I always met a lot of questionable people working nights there. Runaways, drunks, dope fiends, people who worked late and just random people who couldn't sleep. Definitely lots of weirdos coming in. We definitely were not on the classy side of LA I'll tell you that much, but it felt like home to me and I was safe.

I stabbed my fork into the cherry on my cheesecake and started taking tiny bites out of it. I watched 3 guys come in together. They came in every night. The tall one was so cute. He was a bit shy and he always had this big toothy smile every time he'd come in to the diner. I think his name was James.

I suddenly became deep in thought about this tall, blonde boy with the guitar until the shorter one tapped my shoulder and asked for 3 coffees in an accent I never heard before. I smiled and told him that I would bring them to their table. I quickly took a huge bite of my cheesecake and swallowed it quickly.

I hooked 3 white coffee cups to my fingers and grabbed the pot of coffee and made my way to their table and put the three cups down and filled them one by one and I smiled at each of them and asked if I could get them anything else. The smaller of the guys asked for more sugar. I didn't realize the sugar was nearly empty. I laughed and grabbed the sugar from the table beside them and took the empty one.

"Sorry", I laughed. "Call for me when you need me."

The tall, blonde one smiled and said, "but I don't know your name!"

The other 2 guys looked at him and smiled and waited for me to tell them my name. "It's Michelle" I looked back at him as I went walking back to the kitchen. He smiled back at me and I smiled back. He was so cute.

I bumped into Missy on my way back to the kitchen and she was laughing and following me into the kitchen. I know why she was so amused. I'd laugh at me too. "Jesus Christ, he's so cute" I swooned.

Missy was busy looking out to see if anymore customers came in but it was just the same 3 guys. "Maybe you should ask his name or somethin' huh?"

The thought of it made my tummy flutter. I laughed "He's obviously a metal guy, I'm just a waitress. And I don't even know any metal."
She laughed as she said "Well go ask him to teach you about it!"

Just then I heard one of them say my name loudly. I felt my cheeks get warm which obviously meant that they were red. I waited a second before I went to wait on them. I didn't want to seem too excited.

"Hi Michelle, can we get more coffee Michelle?" It was the blonde one. He had this big shit eating grin on his face which made me laugh. He was being a dork, which I found adorable.

"Coming right up, guys!" I said and went back to get the coffee. I should have brought it with me in the first place, maybe I was too giddy. I poured their coffee and quickly went back to the cash register and cleaned up around the table. I kept glancing up at the boys and the one in particular was always looking my way. So many tummy flutters.

"So, how late are you working tonight?" I heard softly. I looked up and James was leaning over the counter watching me sweep the floor. "1 am" I smiled.

"That's not too late, do you want to hang out when you're done?"

"Sure, I don't have any plans tonight. I'd love to!" I never have plans. I made it a point not too. But tonight was different. He was way too cute and I just couldn't say no.

"Okay well we're going to finish our coffee and go. These guys got curfews. I'll be back to pick you up when your shift is done, how does that sound?" His expression turned serious and then it softened.

"Sounds great!" I smiled "I'll be expecting you then"

"So how much for the coffee again?" He asked as he pulled out his wallet. .

"No, don't worry about it. On the house." I said as I stopped him from opening his wallet.

"Sweet well I better get back, I'll see you later tonight" he smiled and walked away.

So I guess I'm hanging out with my crush tonight. I gotta call my parents and tell them that I won't be home tonight. I'm excited

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