night time

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I sat on a rock outside thinking about just feeling and the motions I have ever since I turned into a ghost like the way I can't feel my surroundings I can't feel my friends and I can't even lift up a frickin tea cup my hand can just go through it I laid down on the rock god I just wish I could feel the rock's rocky surface and the tiny rocks sticking out of it but to bad that I'm ghost I can't even feel a rock I saw green glow come from the trees a few miles away but I was too far in my own little world that I didn't even noticed the similar hair with that green streak whatever it was it approached me and leaned back onto the rock.

"Rough night huh?" He asked

"Yeah just can't stop thinking about myself being a ghost" I said to whoever was down there

"Hey don't worry you'll get use to it if your were a spirit for a long time you can affect your body parts and focus them on your surroundings you can started feeling them like for example if you focus on your hand you may be lucky that you might start feeling your surroundings even the rocky surface on the rock" said whoever it was

I did what the guy or girl said and tried focusing on my hand but I failed and groaned laying my hand back down next to my leg.

"Again you'll get use to it then you will be able to hold stuff" it said

I smiled at whoever it was I then started to look down and when I was about to thank them I saw who it was it was that ghost Morro.

"MORRO!!" I yelled out in shock seeing it was him giving me advice

"What can't I do something right for once like giving you advice in how being a ghost" he said looking away

"N-no it's just I didn't knew it was you I wasn't really paying attention on who it was I was just listening to the advice" I said

"Sure..." he said rolling his eyes

"I'm serious" I said jumping off the rock and landing next to Morro

I did my hand on his shoulder that's when I got a feeling I never felt before I could feel Morro's shoulder I was confused and impressed that's when Morro stared at me confused.

"Uh are you alright Cole?" He asked me

I stayed quiet until he noticed that I just figured out I could feel his shoulder.

"Oh you figured out that ghosts can feel other ghosts" said Morro looking at me

"You make it sound wrong to me" I said

"Well you got a dirty mind" he said chuckling

I punched his arm

"No I don't!!" I yelled

He kept chuckling until I pushed him onto the ground he then noticed me on top of him and his cheeks turned a bit red as well as mine.

"Uh well this is awkward..." said Morro looking away

"Y-yeah..." I said blushing

I got up from him and reached my hand out to his and he grabbed on and pulled me back down.

"Bro I barely got up" I said laughing

"Too bad rocky boy" he mocked laughing as well

We both laid down staring at the beautiful dark sky I started to admire looking up to the stars and comets moving around and shining into the darkness and the moon brightening I turned to look at Morro he didn't look evil or mean he looked calm and happy for once I seen him this way.

"Now I know why you are the master of wind" I said looking at him

"What do you mean?" He said turning around to look at me

"Like I get why you were chosen to become the master of wind because you admire the outdoors the forest,the sky and the moon" I said staring at his dark green eyes which sparkled in the darkness.

"Well I got my element from my dad and when I was younger I admired everything from the outdoors but when I got into becoming a ninja I focused on being a ninja than going outside into the forest" he said

"Oh, well I guess I understand" I said still staring at his eyes it's just something about them that makes me stare at them for a long a time

"Then why didn't the my call you the master of the outdoors" I said laughing

"Very funny Cole" he said laughing as well and hitting my arm not too hardly but softly like a punch a little kid would do.

We both laughed until I scooted a bit closer to Morro I kept scooting until my head reached Morro's chest and I laid my head on top of it which made Morro look at me.

"Cole I ain't your pillow"he said playfully and chuckling

"But I'm tired" I groaned and giggling

He stroked my hair I then opened one of my eyes and spotted him.

"Hey I can see you playing with my hair Morro" I said laughing

"If you can use me as your pillow then I could use you as my doll" he said laughing

Me and Morro laid there in the darkness with just a little bit of light which was coming from us since of our green glow because you know we are ghosts and our bodies glow and people could see through them I cuddled closely to Morro's chest him wrapping one his arm on my waist I then fell asleep just hearing the rhythm of Morro's heart beat pounding made me fall asleep.


I looked over to Cole I saw he was already fast asleep I pulled him closer to me and did his head on the crooked side of my neck and I kissed his forehead falling asleep after I was a bit cold but I warmed up after me and Cole wrapped ourselves with each other's bodies I warmed up we laid there in the cold hard surface cuddling in the darkness it was a dream I never thought will come alive I just don't want this to never end.

HAIIIII BUNNIES IT ME :3 hope you guys love this chapter it's just a little story between Morro and Cole you know helping each other and a calm story :3 most of this book is probably going to be half cute and half Smut so ;3 But anyways hope y'all enjoy this chapter and I'll see you in the next one see ya bunnies :3


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