Chapter 45

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"This is not the house ."

"Yeah I know . I wanted you to some fun and relieve some stress ." James had brought me to this carnival/amusement park type of thing .

"Okay then ." He pulled me towards the entrance and payed while I waited .

"You didn't have to pay for me ."

"Yeah I did . I brought you here ."

"Very true ."

"Come on, let's go have some fun ." He pulled me towards the first ride that came into our sights .

-Shawn's pov-

I sat in my room for a minute trying to figure out what just happened . Did she break up with me ? I don't even know . I don't know if I think she's cheating or not . I want to trust her but I don't know if I can . Gosh I sound like such a horrible person . She wouldn't lie to me.

I wanted to go find her so I got up out of bed and went downstairs . I couldn't find her her anywhere in the lobby but I found brad so I went up to him .

"Where is she ?"

"James just texted me and said she was with him at the carnival ."

"Why are we still here then ?"

"I don't know . You're coming with us?"

"Yes . Let's go ." I followed them out the hotel and to the train station .

-Callie's pov-

"James, can we get a funnel cake ?"

"A what ?"

"Give me some money and sit right here ." I pushed him down on to a bench and waited for him to pull out a couple of pounds . When he gave it to me I walked off towards the funnel cake booth .

"2 please ."

"That'll be 5 pounds ." I hand the guy my money and waited for him to make them . He looked to be around my age and was pretty cute . He had green eyes, dirty blonde hair and dimples .

"Hey, you're Callie Grier ."

"That's me ." I smiled .

"You're even prettier in person ."

"Thanks ! Your not so bad yourself ." He winked and then handed me the funnel cakes .

"Have a nice day ."

"You too ." I walked away and back over to James .

"Try it ." I pushed the funnel cake into his lap and sat down .

"It smells good but looks weird ."

"Just eat it . It's delicious ." I ripped a piece off and ate it . James was hesitant but eventually ate a piece .

"Oh my gosh ! This is so good !"

"I told you !" He finished it within 2 minutes and he stood up .

"I'm gonna go get another one . Do you want one ?" I laughed .

"Sure ." He walked of and I continued to eat mine .

"Callie !" It was Shawn's voice . I looked around for him and found him walking towards me .

"Shawn ."

"Look babe, I'm really sorry-"

"I'm really tired of your sorry's shawn . There's no trust in our relationship and that's just sad cause I was nothing but faithful to you . I'm tired of trying . I don't want to do this anymore . We're to young and this is not working ." He stood in front of me and he looked really hurt .

"What's going on here ?" James came back with the funnel cakes, handing me mine and sitting down .

"Sorry I interrupted something, I'll leave ."

"That's why we don't work shawn ." I let him walk away .

"What the hell just happened ?"

"I broke up with him ."

"Well that ruined our day ."

"No it didn't . Let's go on another ride." I dragged him up off the bench and towards the closest bench .


Me and James had ride every roller coaster at least twice before we decided it was time to leave .

We were about 5 minutes from the house when my phone started ringing .

"Hello ?"

"You broke up with shawn and quit ! What the hell is wrong with you ?" It was will .

"So what ?"

"You're ruining your life !"

"No I'm not !"

"You had everything going for you !"

"Because of magcon ? Really ? That's a lie ."

"You are coming home on the next flight ."

"You can't tell me what to do, will ." I hung up the phone an put it in my back pocket .


I'm sorry for the really sucky chapters but I have things planned so just wait . And I you still haven't searched up the vamps, what the hell are you waiting for ? Also I started a sam wilkinson fanfic called 'something more' . Yeah I know I have a lot of fanfics . I like to write .

Anyways I love you guys and thanks so much for reading 😘❤️

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