<< Chapter One >>

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Y/n P.o.v

I just got the message the night before.
My Mom and little Brother are dead.

I slowly rolled out of my bed and placed some of my fingers against my raw cheeks. I had ended up crying myself to sleep, it's not everyday people you love just up and die.

I managed my way to my bedroom door and grabbed the knob to turn it. I ambled my way out of my room and wandered down the stairs that led to the living room. When I looked around for my Dad and saw no sign of him I continued to search the house.

There was a heavy weight against my back as I walked through the halls of the dimly lit building.

Finally, I located my Dads room, I slowly gripped the knob and carefully slid the door open to peer inside. I shifted my head around to search the room, I could see the mound that lay across the large bed in the center of the room.

He was still asleep.

I let out a quiet sigh and quietly shut the door, I walked to the kitchen which sat in the back of the house.
Once I stepped into the large room I flicked the light on and looked around.

I opened the fridge to find a fresh carton of eggs, a weak smile tugged at my lips as I lifted the eggs out of the fridge and set them down on the Stove.
I pulled the lid up to see the light brown eggs, after a moment of examining the small eggs I opened a few cabinets in search of a pan and spatula. Soon enough they were located and I set them both beside the carton of delicious eggs, after a moment I perked up.
"Butter and cheese!" I whisper yelled and mentally slapped myself for forgetting. I made my way to the fridge and pulled out two slices of cheese and a carton of yellow buttery goodness.
I threw them down on the Stove and looked at my new found clutter, a content look on my face.

I pulled the salt shaker to my side for when I needed it, I then set the pan down. I sliced some Butter and spread it around the pan after I switched the Stove to a certain heat. I proceeded to crack what seemed to be six eggs and poured them into the pan.

After a few minutes of cooking I shut the Stove off and made my way to one of the many cupboards. I pulled two plates out and set them down on the counter, I lifted the pan after slipping a cooking mitt on for safety and poured what seemed to be an equal amount of scrambled eggs with cheese onto the two plates.

I set one of the plates in the Microwave and carried the other into the Dining room before remembering I needed silver wear to eat my hot breakfast. I stood and gathered a fork before sitting down and beginning my small feast.

I was only half way through my meal when I turned to see my Dad wander into the Dining room with his plate of eggs. "Morning Daddy," I greeted with a bit of eggs stuffed into my mouth.
He nodded, "Are you really going there today?" He asked, uninterested in good mornings.
"I told you last night, unlike you... I'm involved with all of my family. " I responded with a frown and the roll of my eyes. He let out a grunt when he sat down until he began eating his food.

"But they're dead." he stated bluntly.
I raised my brows and stared at him with wide eyes. "Can you not say that? Please?" I snapped at him before shoving more eggs into my mouth, I could feel a burning sensation in my throat so I forced the need to cry down with food.
"Hey, sweet face... I just don't see the point... Don't you want time to get over the fact that they're gone?" My Dad questioned, his fork of eggs half way to his mouth. I quickly shook my head.
"No way! You can't just- wait!" I raised a hand and waved it around as I spoke.

"It's not right to just mourn them without being there with them..." I added with a nod, before standing up and leaning over the table. I grabbed my plate and pushed the remaining group of eggs onto my Dad's plate, he raised his arms into the air as in saying, "what the hell?"
I shrugged and threw the paper plate away, I then began cleaning off my fork before calling to my Dad. "I'm gonna start packing, I'll say bye when i'm leaving. Okay?" I called out to him as I made my way into the living room and headed towards the stairs.

"I love you baby," I heard him call to me. I didn't respond, instead I just walked up the stairs.
His words were just the desperate words of a man who didn't want to be lonely. And I knew it because I grew up with him, I know that man.

I made my way into my room and pulled my suitcase out of my closet before unzipping the bag and gathering many of my belongings. Clothes, toothbrush and toothpaste, undergarments, etc.

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