The 21st Hunger Games

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I unlock and open my large square window and stare out, a cold breeze grasping my skin.

I watch and listen to the peaceful waves break upon the shore, until I'm interrupted by my mother calling me for breakfast. 

I walk down the stairs, into the kitchen.

Mother greets me, and I sit down at the dining table made out of mahogany. A few seconds later my 14 year old twin brother, Adam, joins me. We both have the same golden red hair and sea green eyes. My father would be down at the water, fishing. My mother and father, both share the same hair and eyes too. 

My mother brings us a few slices of seaweed type bread. You can probably guess by now, I live in District 4, the fishing industry. 

 Seaweed bread isn't a every day occasion food, so obviously my mother brought it for this day.

Reaping day.

Just the thought sends chills down my back. 

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