Project dates♥

21 4 14

Out of the corner of my eye,I could see Freddy staring at me with this urgent,yet perplexed look on his face.
It was obvious that he wanted to talk about something

"You must be Red,my lab partner"he flicked his hand towards me hoping for a handshake.
I was soo nervous"uhmmm....I...already know you"I shaked his hand back and swept my bangs behind my ear feeling shy

"Really?"he gave me a smirk,he's sooo cutee

Zoey and Dani was in the back,zoey is my other best friend

At first I was happy that they wanted to tag along,because I was super nervous but by the time Freddy was smirking They were standing behind him acting all love sick

I was gritting my teeth and praying that Freddy didn't notice them goofing around behind his back like that.

Mark and Brandon came and lucky for me both these idiots went for their project discussions

Which meant Freddy and I were all alone!

At first it was kind of uncomfortable and a little embarrassing because instead of talking,we just stared at each other and then the floor and then at each other
And this went on for what seemed like FOREVER!!!

Then FINALLY he ran his fingers through his spikes and said "so what are we going to do?"
"Lets go out......I meaannnnn jeez it's hot in here right,i tried to make him forget what I said
oookay let's do something new something innovative for our project"I said in an official way
"Okay....Lets discuss more about this at 7 we'll grab dinner together,Is that fine?"he asked

"Ya I'd love to"I said in an English accent to impress him(I know I'm killing it)

He went and I blasted out of happiness but what If he heard the "let's go out"part oh my god I hope he didn't hear it or what if he saw me getting nervous and he might have thought I'm weird and dumb
Gosh...I rushed in to the girls bathroom
I waited until it was empty and had a really good SCREAM!!!!!!
Which for some strange reason,always makes me feel a lot better

Highschool was traumatizing that's for sure!!
But the most important thing is to "always remain calm and try to handle your personal problems in a private and mature manner",that's what my grandpa had told me.

Time flew by I went home to see a happy place,a home that is sweet for anyone to live in,not a hell like before
Dani and I went to search for an outfit to wear and she wanted me to look my best for what she calls it as our first DATE
I mean it's a project discussion but let's take it this way,it harms no one eh¿

"Dad and mom is going out today its so good,daddy is going to impress mom with a candle lit dinner in one of the most luxurious restaurants"I said to Dani

"Will they come home?you told them about the project didn't you?"she asked
"They'll straight away go it seems,mommy will change in daddy's office and daddy even picked a dress for mom,he's doing it right(impressive dad)
And yes I told them about the project and they were like okay,have fun"I said in a relieving manner

"Well then let this date be remarkable now how about this black dress with red heels or this white dress with black heels" she showed me two dresses
"What if he thinks that I'm too dressed up?what if he was wearing rugby clothes,it'll be embarrassing I'd look like a clubbing girl and he'd look like a school boy eww.."
"Okay what about casual,simple jeans?"
"But it's a date and ofcourse at night...this will be a disaster..."I fell flat on the bed
"We don't have much time girl ,it's 6 already and you take hours to shower so jeans or a dress?"Dani was finding for alternatives
"Okay how about wearing a casual dress and spicing it up with heels and with loose half up half down waves"I said
"Yessss that's the exact look,it's not too dressed up but shows effort it doesn't look last minute also"Dani took a casual white dress out of my closet and heels and pushed me to the bathroom..
"Go get ready...."
This seems so startling to me even though it's just a project meet up at night.

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