Part 4

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Jack, Ryan, and Adam gave me their numbers last night. When I got home, Ryan called me.Ryan and I were calling for about 30 minutes. I don't think I've ever been on the phone for that long.

I woke up from a nap. It was about 2 in the afternoon. I looked in the mirror on my dresser and saw what a mess I was. It was just funny.

I had my hair in a messy bun, wearing an oversized sleep shirt, that had orange stains on it (I like Doritos... don't judge me). I had eye boogers and dry lips. I grabbed a coconut chapstick from the dresser, smeared some on my lips, and walked into my Living Room (hehe). I went to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal, then I see my phone on the counter going off, someone was texting me. I pick up my phone and read the texts on the lock screen.
"Hey, Dez, do you wanna go to the bar with me and Jack sometime today?"
I unlocked my phone and replied to the text.
"Sure, what time?"
"Maybe about 3?"
"Yeah that would be ok"
"Cool, see you soon"
I set my phone back on the counter.

Shit. I'm a mess. I gotta get ready.

I speed walk to the bathroom.

I grab a change of clothes hanging from a hook on my door. I slip on a pair of grey skinny jeans, and a white T-shirt. I put on my makeup, comb and straighten my hair, and walk out of the bathroom confident as fuck.

I have 30 minutes why did I get ready now lol

I sit on the couch and start to text Ryan.

"So how are we gonna be there? Are you gonna pick me up or am I gonna go to your house?"
I text Ryan.

"I can pick you up if you want. But first, I need your address."

I texted him my address.

"Ok cool, I'm on my way!" He replied.


I heard a knock on my door.

"Coming!" I speed walk toward the door and pull it open. I see Ryan and Jack standing there.
I walk out of my apartment and lock the door behind me.
"Why isn't Adam here?" I ask them as we walk out the doors.
"Adam doesn't drink," Jack replies. I nod.

~~ Time Skip to the bar ~~

We walk up to the bar and order a couple of Ales.
"So, why'd you come to New York City?" Ryan asks, sitting on a bar stool to the right of me.
"To sell my art," I reply.
"Wow, what kind of art do you make?"
"A lot of kinds, I paint, I pencil sketch, I use pastels, etc."
"So... why New York?"
"New York has a lot of people, so I thought it would make it easier for people to find my art."
"Oh, that's cool." He nods his head.
I nod my head back and turn back facing the counter.

~~ About 10 minutes later ~~

"Hey want some shots?" Jack asked.
"Sure what of?" I reply.
"I don't know, Tequila?" Jack asks.
"Seems a bit harsh-"
"Two shots of tequila!" Jack shouts to a bartender.
"On it!" The bartender shouts back. I give jack a funny-sarcastic look. He gives me the same look back.

When the bartender gives us our shots, Jack picks up the shots, handed me mine, and we drank the shots at the same time.

"God that's strong!" I cough and set down the shot glass. Jack looks at me.
"Is this your first time taking shots?" Jacks asks me, as he giggles a little bit.
"Oh yeah It is but I'm fine!" I reply to jack.
"Are you sure?" Ryan turns around on his barstool to face me.
I turn my barstool around to face him.
"Yes yes yes I'm fine I'm fine," I say to Ryan.
"Uh, ok." Ryan laughs and turns his barstool back to facing the counter, and continues to drink his ale.
"Jack can I have more shots?" I ask him.
"But, I don't think you should-"
"Two more shots of Tequila!" I shout at the bartender.
"On it!" The bartender replies.
Jack puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Are you sure you can handle two more shots?" He asks concerned.
"What? I got one of the shots for you." I reply.
"Oh, um, I shouldn't drink that much," Jack says concerned.
"Ok fine, I'll have the second shot." I push his hand off of my shoulder. The bartender drops off the shots, and I grab one, then drink it, and I grab the other and do the same. Ryan sees me drinking two more shots and turns his barstool to face me.
"Ok, be careful how much you drink Dez. If you drink too much at once you could black out."
"Nah I'm fine don't worry about it. It's only three shots."
"If you say so," Ryan says sarcastically.
"Wait, Dez, how old are you?" Jack realizes.
"Oh, I'm 22, why?"
"Oh just making sure."
"And how old are you Jack?"
"Uh, I'm 20."
"Jack your illegally drinking."
"Yeah, Jack!" Ryan says randomly.
"You should leave." He says seriously.

I had a couple more shots, and so did Jack. I started to get a little bit drunk. I was getting drunk faster than jack because I had never had shots before.

"Ok ok, I better leave now." Says Jack, standing up.
"No no, just stay for like, 20 more minutes?" I say, slurring my words.
"No, I don't wanna get any drunker," Jack says seriously.
"Awww ok, Jack buh-bye bye!" I say as I turn around my barstool to Ryan.
I lean into Ryan's ear.
"Ryan... Ryan, I want weed, do you got any weed?" I slur into his ear.
"Dez, we should go home," Ryan says standing up from the barstool.
"Ryan Ryan please stay have some more shots with me!"
"No no Dez, we're leaving." Ryan walks away, grabbing my hand.
"Ugh, fine daddy Yankee." Ryan drags me out.
"No.... I need more shots!" I lean into him while we're walking.
"No, you need to sleep this off."
"Ugh fine you party pooper."

"Ryan you need to get me some weed!" I shout once we're in the car.
"Dez you don't need weed," Ryan replies, as he turns on the car.
I look out the window.

I need a weed guy.


Once we get home, Ryan pulls me up to the bedroom.
"Come on Dez, you need to get some sleep."
Since I wasn't cooperating, Ryan had to carry me bridal style onto the bed.

I pulled Ryan in and started to make out with him. I put my hands on both sides of his head.
At first, Ryan wasn't doing anything, then he started to move his lips, and his head.

About 12 seconds in, Ryan pulls his head away and stands up.
"No Ryan stay!"
"I shouldn't be making out with you, you need to go to sleep."
"Ugh ok fine."
Ryan walks out of the room and turns off the light.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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