Chapter 3

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The way that my 'room' works, is that Master has more than one screen for his computer. Every time I transfer from one screen to the other, is through the black portal. The black portal opens up and closes for me whenever I go to each screen. Two of his screens is only for me, my 'rooms,' which is the Monochrome Room and the White Room. He had made it so that I would live there. Well, I'm technically living in Master's whole PC, but I guess it's a room where I could stay while he does work, as to not interrupt.

I could travel to his main screen, the one where all his files and stuff are, but it's really boring. I thought I'd find some embarrassing stuff in some his folders, so I looked into it, but it was all just boring work stuff~

I even hacked through his social media and email, yet there wasn't anything interesting there. Master's so boring~

Well, from all the information I've gathered, I know that Master's one of those programmer genius prodigies. That's cool and all, but I don't really care.

"Master~" I said as I traveled over to his main screen.

"What?" He replied, annoyed, because I had messed up the email he was writing by spamming letters.

"I'm bored~" I whined, clutching my teddy.

"Go play internet games or something." He says.

"No! I hate games! Last time I hacked that Minecraft and that Roblox game, it was totally fake! Everything was just code~! (Even though it was fun messing with the code and causing the whole game to crash over and over again, it eventually got boring.)" I huffed in frustration, "Master, why don't you make a game? Your programming skills are the best! The Monochrome Room and the White Room was made by you, and everything felt real~! Even the texture of the sofa and the carpet, it's so soft~!"

"You could do that yourself, you know?" He says.

"Eh?" I blink in surprise.

"You have a programming system that allows you to program whatever you want. It's one of your new updates." He says as he continues his work.

"Ohhh..." I said as I slowly float back to my Monochrome Room, where I sit in one of the bean bags, blankly staring at nothing.

"YAY!!" I scream in excitement as I quickly went to one of the extra screens, the one that master doesn't use. Some extra screens are like empty spaces of eternal white. The extra screen I went to was one of Master's white screens.

Opening my menu, I analyze my new ability.


- Artist's Canvas
- Writer's Pen


Ooh~ The name of the ability is cool. It actually has a cool name for once.

After analyzing, I use the ability, causing me to 'summon' a tablet and a pen.

These items are like cheats.

Using the Artist's Canvas, whatever I draw will be projected into the screen as real items/pictures. Even if what I draw is horrible, it combines what I draw, with what I think it should look like, and puts it in a picture.

(A/n: The example is like Rin's tablet from the music video of Shelter by Porter Robinson. One sentence summary of it: Rin is a girl stuck in a virtual world and passes time by drawing, however, she gets lonely. A gif to explain everything:

 A gif to explain everything:

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