4 || New Home

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After a long time inside the flight to Japan, you finally arrived. It was a really sad and harming flight for you, you didn't wanted to see or talk to anyone. As soon as you got off the plane, your parents where there waiting for you to hug them, but you didn't. You just passed by them and didn't say hi or anything. Actually you were really angry at them for doing this to you.

Then they took you back "home", and when you arrived at that house you started to think about JinJin and the rest of Astro members. You missed Seoul so much. You went directly to your room with your stuffs and without saying anything you locked yourself inside. Suddenly you heard someone knocking.

-Y/N, sweetheart remember you can't talk with that guy - Your mother said.

-I will talk with him and you can't tell me what to do, I'm already twenty, can you understand that!? – You said very mad.

-Y/N we just want the best for you – Your father said serious.

-The best for me man?! The best?! Really?! You stole my whole life! So go to hell if you think you are helping me! – You said with anger.

-I'm going for the keys – Your mother said-. As soon as you heard that you quickly send a message to JinJin and all Astro members for they to know that you were alright, and that unfortunately you won't talk with them because your parents. After not too long your father got inside your room and he took your phone with him, you hated him so much... "How am I supposed to contact them without my phone?" you asked sadly to yourself.

-JinJin's POV-

Our manager gave us the day because Y/N went back home and he knew that we were very bad for that. So right now we are at our apartment, everyone is at the living room but I'm just in my bedroom where I used to sleep next to Y/N... my Y/N. I was pretty sad after I received Y/N's message, even though I knew that her parents could do that... but now I wonder how I will contact her.

-JinJin, how are you? – Rocky asked as he got inside the room.

-I feel like shit... like actual damn shit. I miss her, I need her, and I'm worried about her. I really don't want her parents to do something to her.

-But they're her parents... after all they love her.

-Really? After they stole her whole life? Wow, that's a pretty bad type of love then.

-JinJin we have to keep going... I'm really sad as well... but what can we do bro?

-Rescue her?

-Like we did time ago? JinJin it was her decision... and even if it hurts she did this for us to be free and good.

-I know... but I didn't wanted her to sacrifice for all of us... I was supposed to protect her – I said as I started to caress the bed.

-Man don't be so harsh on yourself, it wasn't your fault... and I bet she's fine. Now let's go with the rest of the members – Rocky said as he tried to cheer me up.

-You go, I want to be alone.


-Please Rocky, just leave me alone.

-Fine, but remember that we are here for you.

-Thanks-. As soon as Rocky got out of the room I started to remember all those days with Y/N... I can't think anything else right now, I can't. And it gets worse because Arohas know that she's not here anymore... I'm really grateful to have them at least, they are giving Astro so much support because of this, and that is really sweet of them.

All our photos are all over twitter, Arohas are really trying to bring Y/N back, even though they know that she sacrifice herself for our own sake... just looking at the pictures really makes me sad. I started to drop some tears. I was frustrated, empty and lost... anything wasn't clear now, "What can I do for her?" I asked to myself all over again in my head. I just miss her.


-Y/N's POV-

Your first time sleeping alone was really bad, you didn't slept that well to be honest. You really miss the guys, your job and JinJin.

As soon as you woke up you dressed into a pair of jeans and a cosy sweeter that had JinJin's name on the back. You went down stairs to grab an apple and some water, you put that in your bag and got out of the house. You really didn't wanted to see or talk with your parents... you kind of hate them A LOT.

You were walking through the streets as you were eating your apple while you listen to some Astro's songs. The lyrics of each song make your heart beat faster, makes you remember all those times you shared with JinJin, and just listening to them made you feel like if you were there with them. It's kind of weird and sad to be without Sanha and his cute actions, be without MJ and his iconic smile, be without Eunwoo and his acting skills, and be without Moonbin and his rare but cute jokes. It was weird to be without Rocky and his dancing times and of course it was weird and painful to be without that laugh of JinJin, without his rap and without his warm company.

If your parents really wanted something better for you, why they took you away? Why they don't want you near Astro and Seoul? You haven't felt so lonely since a long time... now what are you going to do? Your only options is to escape and get away from everyone, but how?

Some tears started to drop as you saw in front of you a poster of Astro... It was such a heartbreaking thing to see them and see that they aren't near you. Now you can feel how Arohas might feel when they see them through a simple video, through a simple phone... it was really sad.

-"How can I get back to them without hurting them again?"

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