Farewell To Shady Glade

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I picked up the phone with a surprised look on my face, well at least that's what Ambers face expressions said when I looked up at herald mouthed "I'll be back"

I got up quickly "Hey, what's up?" I asked while walking to the restrooms.

"Char, is it okay if I sleep over..? I would ask Amber but her. Your parents aren't there and her mom doesn't really like me. Also, I know you'll say yes?" He said in a hopeful tone.

"Okay... But why?" I didn't mean to sound like a bitch but I was just wondering. I was a little confused. He stayed silent for a minuet.

"Umm... Ill tell you later.. I just. I don't want to talk about it right now."

"Hey, yea, I'm there for you. See you tonight?"

"8:00 sharp." I could hear a smile in his voice.

"Okay. Bye, Austin." I happily exclaimed. And with that I just hung up and left. Shit.. What do I tell Amber. She'll kill me if she finds out he's staying with me tonight.

As I got to our table I saw That she had ordered for me, the usual, Fruit and waffles. "What was that about" she interrupted my waffle time. I looked up and have her a death stare while slowly chewing and swallowing my food. After a little bit of me just staring at her with a death glare, I finally answered.

"My mom. She was just checking up on me" I answered trying not to sound obvious. "She doesn't check up on me often when she's gone so it was a little surprising." She seemed partially convinced, but decided to leave the subject alone, maybe incase it was Cameron.

"Don't you ever get tired of the same breakfast every. Single. Weekend?" She asked obviously a little surprised that I ate the same things all the time without caring.

I chuckled "I don't know.. Problem?!" I kidded with her. She laughed and shook her head while stuffing a waffle in her mouth.

Would You Still Be There? (Austin Carlile/OM&M FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now