Meet Chance and Anthony

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I jump down the stairs in the bodysuit and shorts Jake picked out, I hate to admit it but Jake had style, but you couldn't tell him, his ego doesn't need to grow anymore.

Before I get to the bottom of the stairs, I can smell Erika's famous pancakes, she really was the mom of the group with all the cooking and cleaning she does. I skip over to her standing at the stove humming along to the song on the radio, "Hey, E, how's it going?" "Oh you know the usual, all sunshine and roses." I chuckle and give her a hug, Erika and her boyfriend had been fighting but broke up 2 days ago.

"Tessa Brooks!" I turn away from Erika to see Nick waving a few papers in his hand, I walk towards him, "Yes, Nicholas?" "You didn't answer my email about working that dance camp." I grab my phone from my back pocket, "I did too! See right here 'I'd love to just send my the dat-'" I freeze talking, Nick smirks at me, "Oh, ermm-, I didn't hit send." I chuckle and smile at Nick, he just shakes his head, "So that's a yes to the camp though?" "Yes, it's a yes." Erika laughs at us as she slides plates with pancakes in front of us, "Nick, what time are the Ohio boys coming?" Nick pours syrup on his pancakes, "Their plane landed at 5:30, and it's...", he looks toward the clock on the stove, "it's 6:04 now, so they should b thee any minute"

I take a bite of my pancakes, "Oh joy, and when do the twins get back from Spain?" Erika gives a pouty face, "They extend their trip last night, 2 more months." Nick drops his fork in surprise and Jake walks into the kitchen, showered and changed, "Wait, they what?" Erika nods, "Their sister is pregnant, and they said it's stupid to leave in 4 weeks, to go back a few weeks later for the baby's birth."

We all ate in quiet trying to imagine 2 more months without the twins, the house was 5 levels quieter without them and it was so weird. I broke the silence, "If these Ohio boys are anything like Jake, trust me we will barley realize that the twins are gone." Nick and Erika laughed but Jake faked an offended face, "You do realize the 'Ohio boys' have names, right?" Nick laughed to himself, and we all looked at him with faces begging for an explanation, he continued to laugh at his own joke barley breathing out, "Dumb and Dumber?" Erika and I laughed as we started cleaning up but Jake mockingly mimicked him, "Huh, 'Dumb and Dumber? Haha, Nick you are soon funny!" We were all laughing so hard.

The security sensors beeped letting us know somebody was coming up to the door, Jake looked towards the clock, 6:20, "That should be them!" Nick, Erika, and I followed Jake to the door, "You guys are going to love these guys, they're great."

Erika and I looked at each other skeptical of these 'great' guys. Jake opened the door to two guys with their duffle bags and backpacks. "Chance! Anthony!" The boys screamed back in unison, "Jake!" "Come on in guys!"

Chance and Anthony walked through the door looking around like two little kids in a candy store.

"Chance, Anthony, this is Nick, he's like the big boss man that runs everything. Nick, these are my best friends, Chance and Anthony." Nick shook both of their hands and smiled, "It's nice to meet you guys."

Jake gestured towards Erika, "This is Erika Costell, she's like the mom of Team 10." Erika reached out and shook their hands, Anthony smiled, "Nice to meet you Mom." Erika rolled her eyes and smiled, "It's nice to meet you guys, too"

Finally Jake gestured towards me, "And this is Tessa Brooks, she is one of Team 10's talent members." I looked up smiling, it was the first time I actually looked at and studied them, and boy did Ohio have some good looking guys, Anthony was barely taller with dark brown hair in a plain green shirt and jeans, Chance had brown hair just a few shades lighter than Anthony's, in a pink shirt and jeans. Both of them were pretty built and definitely good looking. "It's nice to meet you guys!" Chance shook my hand smiling, damn he had a nice smile, "You, too, Tessa." Anthony shook my hand smiling, "It's so nice to meet all of y'all. Jake has told us so much about you guys." Erika chuckled, "Yeah, wish we could say the same thing, Jake actually hasn't told us too much about you guys." Jake made a mocking face at Erika, "Well they'll be here for a few weeks you'll get to know them."

A/N: This chapter is a little bit longer than the last, I am still working on the next chapter, and there will be Chessa right at the end of it. I hope you guys are enjoying.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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