A Psycotic Love - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 of A Psycotic Love

I was back in my corner, returning back into my quiet stage as Christopher silently read over my files, over and over, and over again. I didn't ask any questions, and just kept my mind wondering, as I focused on Patrick. That's when I finally noticed his whole being. I knew he was around my age but I never noticed how ... how attractive he seemed.

His face seemed flawless, without a bump or any scratches anywhere, and his eyebrows seemed perfectly trimmed and symmetrical. I stared at his big, brown eyes as they searched the paper, going back and forth. How I longed for his eyes to search me the same way. Wait ... Alicia, focus. Focus.

I continued searching his face. His nose seemed a bit big, but cute and then my eyes went lower, first gazing at his sexy moustache and leading down to his words-can't-describe lips. They looked soft, and were pink and plump. I licked my own lips, imagining the worst. I took my eyes off of his lips after gazing for what seemed like forever, and then moved on to the rest of his body.

He looked good in a suit; his suit top was on the chair, which let me see how easily the cloth of his blue dress shirt hugged his masculine figures. His arms seemed thick, and I imagined them hugging me and keeping me warm. Then I moved down, lower and lower and I got to-

"Alicia, I keep reading over you're charts and I just can't seem to analyze it all." My eyes snapped away from his body and at his face, focusing on his brown eyes. I gave him a questioning look, and he just sighed, rubbed his goatee and looked at me. "Look at all of these records. I mean the chart shows that you have no murmur in your brain." He cut himself off and leaned in closer. "You're not crazy, are u?"

I shook my head no. "Look Alicia, I'm going to need more than just a shake of your head. Prove to me you're not crazy." I shrugged, not knowing what he wanted. Then he gave me a heavy sigh again. "You are crazy. You're just as crazy as everyone says you are. You're crazier than all of these girls in here and I really don't know why" He stood up with his brief case and started walking to the door. "I'm spending my time caring about you and trying to help you out. It's pointless. You're .. worthless-" As soon as he said that I felt all the blood rush to my head. I jumped up and got into his face. "I am not worthless! I don't even know why the fuck you're getting mad at me when I'M the one in here. Not you, but me! You don't know what it's like! Being in here, having friends and doctors call you crazy! Test after test everyone just assumes because you don't want to talk about your past, you're mental!!! I'm not like those other patients, I'm not like anyone in here! So don't call me worthless, because you don't know what I'm going through." He stared at me and I just got upset all over again. But instead of getting in his face again, I went and sat on the chair next to the table. I put my hands on my face and expected the door to slam, but instead Christopher said something that surprised me.

"Perfect." I took my face away from my hands and stared at him. "Perfect?" "Yes. That's what I wanted. I wanted you to get mad. I wanted you to tell me how you feel ... and you did." "Look, I don't know what kind of degree you got but if just by yelling you can determine whether someone's insane or not-" "Actually I can." He said while grinning and pulling up another chair. "See, those other patients, they'd just stare at me and watch me walk away. I could call them any name in the book, I could disgrace their family, hell, I could even talk back about their mother's but they wouldn't care. They'd stay seated in that corner and stare off into nothing. But you, you got upset. You told me somewhat of how you feel and that let's me know what I'm working with."

He sat there grinning at me, waiting for me to say something. But I didn't. "Don't tell me you're getting all silent again." I shrugged. "So you're saying you can get me out." "I'll try." "You'll try?" "Yeah. I can't guarantee-" "You have to get me out of here. I can't stay in here for long. I'll go crazy if I do." He chuckled as if I said a joke. "I'm not playing." I looked him straight in the eye. "Promise me you'll help me get out." It took him a while, but then he answered, "I promise."

And for the first time since I got here, I actually believed someone and it felt like I had hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2010 ⏰

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