Chapter 15

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Renesmee was growing faster than I did after I was born, the whole family started worrying about how much time we would have with her because my growth rate and hers were different for some reason. Everyday had a prefect order, Renesmee would wake up, eat breakfast, and Carlisle would start his many observation of her growth. This seemed to be a common occurrence up until one day Bella and Jacob snuck Renesmee out of the house early to go catch snowflakes. They had only been gone about two hours, Bella seemed to be out of it but Jacob and Ness were all smiles and giggles. "Bella what's wrong?" Edward asked as he walked up to his wife. "It was really strange, Irina saw us out in the meadow catching snowflakes but when I called out to her she ran."

Later that day Carlisle made some calls to our family in Denali, Kate convinced Irina to come and reconcile with us because of the wedding. I understood how hurt she was because of seeing Seth at the wedding it brought up them killing Laurent but for being as old as she is she could've been a little more civil. Life seemed pretty normal for the next week or so, the house was filled with music between Ness learning to play the piano to Edward teaching her various songs just like me when I was little. I enjoyed reminiscing the simple days where I didn't have to fear for my family or my own safety when it came to who the universe had made my mate. As Ness played a certain chord I'd come to love hearing her play I heard a horrific crash as I was thrown into a vision.

There was snow on the ground and people in red capes, and I can't and won't forget those piercing red eyes. I got snapped back into reality by my moms rubbing my shoulders and asking me to tell her what I saw. Alice beat me too it as she said with pure fear radiating from her, "It's the Volturi. They're coming for us!" My stomach dropped to the floor, I would have to face my mate in a battle between our covens. But what I didn't understand is why, why were the Volturi coming after us? "Family meeting." Carlisle and Edward said at the same time.

At this impromptu family meeting Carlisle explained that Irina thought Renesmee was an immortal child. A child that was bitten and changed into a vampire, and apparently Irina's mother had created an immortal child centuries ago and paid the price for it with her life. I shuttered at the thought of someone taking a child's life from them, they had so much potential and a messed up vampire comes along and changes all of that. I shook the thought from my mind as Carlisle said we would need witnesses to Renesmees' human tendencies.

*A few hours later*

I couldn't shake the thoughts as easily as I thought I could, and I guess my mom caught on to my strange behavior. "What's wrong Jules?" I shrugged. "It's this whole Renesmee thing, we're the same but we're so different. I want to help and say I'm half human half vampire but these days I'm looking like a full vampire." I said as I looked in the mirror. Everything about me had changed, I stood at about 5'5, with an almost perfect hour glass figure, my eyes stayed the same for the most part except now I had gold and red flecks through out my iris, my skin had gotten a bit paler, but that could've be because lack of sun, and my hair had grown down to a little passed the middle of my back with loose curls everywhere.

"Maybe its a good thing you're looking more like the rest of the family. It' will be easier on Alec when you two finally meet, and properly this time." My moms said with a small giggle, I giggled too. It was a strange day when Alec wondered into our house and found me hiding in my closet away from him. "Maybe you're right mom." I said with a small sigh. It was scary that my family was going to be broken up so they could gather witnesses. "Are you nervous? To gather the witnesses?" I asked my mom with a small bit of fear in my voice. "Yes in a way yes I am, but then again I'm not cause I'll have your dad and he's a brick wall, you know that." She said with a smile. "You shouldn't worry about that, you should worry where we're gonna start to put people when and if some of them decide to stand with us." I quirked an eyebrow.. "So, that means I'm staying here, in Forks, while vampires I don't know show up to my house."

My mom calmly nodded yes, "Ok I'm fine with it." I said with a shrug and a small laugh. "Only you Jules! Ok time to get some sleep! Cause we're heading out tomorrow to start getting witnesses. Promise you'll be good while everyone is gone?" I rolled my eyes. "Yes mom. love you too!" I said as I hugged my mom and gave her a quick peck on the cheek and I settled into bed. I can't help but drift off to sleep with Alec's handsome face on my mind.

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