Kinda excited for School 2morrow...

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So, you know how in the last chapter I was talking about my crush? Well, I just, really really want to see him. Like, I feel like a mother trolling stalker! Why?!! Tbh, he stares at me a little bit.

Like Friday, he told me to play a song on my Viola from last year. Guess what?

I did.

Next thing ya know he says, "You have a really good memory..." and chuckled. Then smiled!! 💖. I legit got goosebumps. But I played it off and said, "Well thank you!" And acted all touched and crap. If I could REEEAAAALLLLYYYY share my feelings, I WOULD HAVE said, "Really? *sighs* T-thank you..." and smile back. BUT NOOOO! I'm to shy and scared. If I ever did share my feelings for him, he would probably never be my friend. But, there's always...

Valentines Day

I really don't think I'll get anything. Like, nobody does. Except popular af girls. And, I'm definitely NOT popular. Ya know, I've liked him since the 3rd grade. We stopped talking in 4th, but slowly started talking in 5th. After that, we've been talking ever since.




I really should shut up now.😂

But, orchestra is my 4th period. I stay in ELA for two.😑😩🙄 My ELA teacher SUCKS! My class was talking pretty quietly when we were working on an assignment and she completely lost her 💩! She goes, "THAT'S IT! I'VE HAS ENOUGH WITH THE TALKING!*starts rubbing forehead*" like wtf? Ugh, I hate ELA.

But my orchestra teacher is funny af. Every time the kids walk in, we see a meme on the board about orchestra. Once there wasn't one about ORCH, and it said, "Fall is my favorite season. Wait no... it my favorite thing to watch people do." And it had a cat as the main picture. Wtf?😂

So yeah. And the thing is....

He's gonna be 13 next month...


Oh and also, nobody knows I have a crush on him. Well, I told my BF(best friend. No, I've NEVER had a boyfriend in my life) and she told him it. I begged him to not believe her. And he didn't believe her. That was the biggest sigh of relief I've ever let out.

Okay okay, I'll shut up about him now.😂 Well, I'll tell you how it goes after school!😂

Peace out, Broppy lovers!💖💙

💎~B⃟o⃟o⃟k⃟ o⃟f⃟ R⃟a⃟n⃟d⃟o⃟m⃟ S⃟t⃟u⃟f⃟f⃟~💎Where stories live. Discover now