❞ Nerd. ❞

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So after you and wyatt kissed, everyone in the friend group had been fangirling about it already. Everyone was laughing and snorting after they caught you and wyatt kissing. Jack was screaming and jumping up and down and yelling like a 7 year old girl. ❞MY NEW OTP- MY NEW OTP!❞ Jack said, his eyes glistening like he had just bought a new pony. You looked up at jack and laughed at him, blushing a little. You looked at wyatt and he flashed you a smile. You smiled back and then turned back to the group. Millie smiled widely, jumping with jack. ❞That kiss was absolutely adorable!❞ she said, her cute british accent proudly gleaming. Jaeden sat in the corner, reading tweets. Sadie was dancing around in the background, screaming about the ship. Finn was on his phone on the couch.  jack shot up and jumped onto a couch, then doing a back flip, landing on the other side of the couch. ❞I SHIP THIS SO MUCH IT'S NOT EVEN EXPLAINABLE!❞ Jack said, being the little ball of sunshine he usually is. Everyone calmed the hell down and sat down to play a video game.

( ( 2 hours later ) )

❞DAMNIT!❞ Jack yelled. ❞You beat me for like, what, the 5th time?!❞ Jack whined. ❞Wyatt, why were you born with such skills?❞ Jack said, flopping onto the couch on his back. ❞I dunno.❞ He smiled, his dimples showing. Wowowowow his dimples were attractive. You'd catch yourself staring at him. You soon looked away and held onto your arm, blushing to yourself a little. Wyatt finally lost to jack in the game they were playing. ❞yESsSs!!!!❞ Jack said. ❞iN YOuR FaCE HoES❞ Jack then jumped off the couch and started twirling and dancing around and mumbling a victory song. ❞dodooODoODOoOoo!❞ Jack said, his voice cracking. Wyatt tried hard not to laugh at his ridiculous movements, but he soon cracked. He burst out laughing, the laughs swallowing his lungs. He was laughing so much he couldn't breathe. Wyatt was on the floor, grasping his chest. Soon everyone broke out into laughter. ❞Oleff, you're such a nerd.❞ You'd say, smiling bashfully. Wyatt kept laughing.

( 1 hour later )

Everyone was on their bikes, riding off into the neighborhood. 

❞Wyatt, i don't know how to ride a bike!❞ I said, struggling to ride a bike. Wyatt held me while i gulped, wobbling on the shaky bike. Wyatt soon let go of me and i was wobbling but i was getting the hang of it. I then crashed into a tree, hitting my face right into the tree. I think i fell unconcious. I could hear echoing, worried voices above me as my eyes fluttered, my eyes drooping. 

(Wyatt's pov)

Y/n just fell, and jesus christ. I felt like i had just crashed into a tree. I think it was all my fault. I ran over to y/n and propped her arms up. Her eye hit right into the tree along with her nose. She had a busted lip and her nose was really red. I held y/n in her arms as everyone halted to a stop on their bikes. ❞GUYS!❞ I yelled worriedly. Everyone crowded around y/n and helped me carry her back to my house. Jaeden was in charge of grabbing the bikes and bringing them with us. 

(1 hour later)

Your pov /

You woke up on a couch in wyatt's house. Your nose was throbbing and your eye felt itchy and burning. You sat up quickly, feeling an icepack slide down from your head onto your stomach. ❞W- wha?❞ you said perplexed. You looked around and noticed you were in wyatt's house. ❞Oh.❞ You looked at everyone else, seeming like they were waiting for you to wake up. Wyatt ran over to you and engulfed you in a hug. ❞Y/n- i was so worried!❞ He said worriedly. You'd laugh, noticing a little bit of blood spilling out of your mouth. ❞oh, did i hurt my lip?❞ you said, propping your fingers softly on your lips. Jaeden stepped up and said ❞You crashed into a tree.❞ Jaeden said. ❞oh.❞ you said dumbfounded. You got up without saying a word and walked into wyatt's bathroom and took a look at your face. You had a black eye, a bloodly lip, and a slightly fractured nose. ❞Oh shit!❞ You whisper shouted. ❞I look like a monster!❞ (you don't) You exaggerated. Wyatt ran over and said something. ❞n- no you don't!❞ he reassured you. You sighed and took a tissue to your lip and wiped the glossy blood off.

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