❞you fucked up.❞

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(warning; this is going to be hella sad for jack

y/n's pov;


Me and Wyatt walked into the halls, our fingers intertwined. We smiled brightly, not really giving a fuck about anything anyone said that was negative. Everyone just sort of stared. I passed a few confused faces, so I finally grabbed onto Wyatt's upper shoulder and got up on my tippy toes. Wyatt was much taller than me, by the way. I put a soft weight on his cheek and pecked his lips quickly, smiling. I pulled away and continued walking. ❞What was that for?❞ He muttered, blushing like a red beet. ❞Everyone just seemed confused, I wanted to let them know you were mineee~❞ I said all humming like. Wyatt smiled to himself and shook his head, still blushing a deep shade of red. We reached our lockers and I saw Jack approach me. ❞Hey y/n!❞ Jack said, holding a soccer ball. ❞Heya, Jack.❞ I said softly while I clung onto the cold metal of my locker and i swung it open. ❞So you and Wyatt are a couple now, huh?❞ Jack said with a smug smile. I turned over to him and nodded as I felt my cheeks heat up, turning pink. ❞Mm.❞ I said while reaching into the locker, grabbing a few books. I suddenly heard heavy footsteps come up behind Jack. I turned toward Jack's way and saw 3 boys. Romeo, another boy, and.. Jaeden? I elbowed Wyatt quickly and that caught his attention. He whipped his head over toward me and then the group caught his soft pair of hazel eyes. Romeo walked up in front of the three of us with an evil looking grin. ❞For fuck's sake, Romeo!❞ I said, annoyed. ❞Can you just leave the three of us alone for once?❞ I said, slamming my locker shut. ❞Of course not, little cunt.❞ He said, poking my nose. I furiously swatted my finger away from his nose, closing my eyes. ❞Fuck off.❞ I said in a blunt tone. ❞I'm afraid I can't.❞ Romeo said. ❞She said fuck off, dip shit.❞ Wyatt said defensively. ❞Oh look, the boyfriend is standing up for the damsel in distress!❞ Romeo said, being extremely sexist. ❞Hey- she's completely capable of-❞ I cut off Wyatt by kicking Romeo right in the groin area, crossing my arms. Romeo shut his eyes, dropping onto his knees. He winced in pain as the boy I didn't know and Jaeden walked over to me. ❞Jaeden, how could you?❞ I said with a furious hint in my tone. ❞You know what, never mind. I understand why you joined.. them.❞ I said, emphasizing the word "them".  ❞Jaeden, dude, I-❞ Jack said before I interrupted him by placing an arm in front of him, growling at Jaeden. ❞Don't, Jack. He's not worth it.❞ I said, growling. Romeo finally got up, still wincing a little bit. ❞I'll get you back for this, you fucking cunt.❞ Romeo said, shaking a fist at me. ❞Good luck trying!❞ I said as Romeo and his slaves started trotting away. I sighed in relief, looking over to Wyatt and Jack. They both looked relieved like me.

  * * *

Jack's pov;

I walked straight into class and took a seat. I stared at the girl of my dreams, sitting diagonal from me. I sighed, swooning heavily. The bell rang and I snapped out of my trance, blinking a couple of times. I noticed the girl, Ellie Hiyar, staring back at me. She waved softly and smiled and I blushed, looking straight down at my desk. ❞Shit, Jack, Shit.❞ I muttered to myself. The teacher soon jabbered about useless shit.


I walked into the cafeteria and grabbed a lunch tray. I sat down at a table alone, waiting for y/n and Wyatt to get their lunches. I started munching down as I heard some clinking high heels snap over to me. I looked up to see Ellie Hiyar, strutting toward me. It's like everything had turned into slow motion (if you get that reference ily). I raised my brows and made a goofy smile as everything turned back to normal and she sat down in front of me. ❞Hey, Jack.❞ She said with a sweet smile. ❞I- eh- h- hi.❞ I said nervously. I kept telling myself that I was NOT going to fuck this up. ❞So uh- Ellie, how a-are you?❞ I said, trying to stop my stutter. It''s not like I was Bill Denbrough or something (haAHA). ❞I'm good.❞ She said sweetly, starting to munch down on her food. ❞sO-❞ I said, cut off by a voice crack in my voice. I awkwardly cleared my throat and continued. ❞That's great.❞ I blurt out. ❞Yep. How are you?❞ She said, picking at her food. ❞I'm p- pretty wEll.❞ I said croaking. I was about to say something else stupid until the bell rang. I groaned out of disappointment. ❞You okay, Jack?❞ Ellie said sweetly. I nodded quickly and flashed a fake smile. She got up and walked off, waving at me. 


I finished math class, my last class before history and p.e. In history, I decided to write a secret admirer's note to Ellie.

- - poem

Please wait for me.

I'll  catch up soon.

If you let me lace our hands,

I'll follow you.

I drag my gaze as I wrap you

around my nerves

tangled and pulled close to you.

- - poem 

I smiled at the finished product and the bell rang. I got up on my feet and ran into the hall, running toward Ellie's locker. I walked over to her locker and then I felt a sudden force push me back by my backpack, forcing me to fall backward. I groaned in pain as the note flew out of my fragile hands and landed into Romeo's hands. I fluttered my eyes open, holding my head. I looked straight at Romeo and his goons  .. and Jaeden, reading my note. I jumped up and yelled. ❞Hey- Give it back!❞ I yelled, screeching and jumping. Romeo was too tall for my own good, I could barely snatch the note out of his hands. I snatched the note after various attempts and I took off running. Romeo followed after me, soon catching up. He yanked my backpack once again and took the note, grinning. ❞Ooo, is this a love letter to your little girlfriend?❞ He said all smug like, holding the note above my head in a tease way. I grabbed at it but he pulled the note up. He started to walk off, signaling his goons to follow after him. ❞Wait!❞ I yelled, trying to get back up on my feet. ❞Please- give it back!❞ I whined, pouting. Romeo smiled. ❞Fine, lets make a deal, fred savage.❞ He said. ❞If you bring you and your pansy friends to my party, i'll give you your little note back.❞ He said. I raised a brow, dusting myself off. ❞Wait- Why do you want to see my friends?❞ I said confused. ❞Cause.❞ he said, trailing off. ❞We uh- We have to go.❞ Romeo said as he whipped around and started walking the other direction. I wanted to call after him but I felt like I had a lump in my throat, I felt nervous as hell. I felt hot tears well in my eyes. I couldn't cry, I never cried- I didn't know what was wrong with me. It's like everything had went numb inside and the demons inside me were chanting and chanting. I leaned up against my locker and took a deep breath, trying to calm the tears and my feelings. I slid down my locker on my back, letting out a long sigh. I stopped and I broke down into tears. I heard footsteps approach me and I looked up to see Ellie. My heart soon started pounding excessively, beating out of my chest. I took in a deep breath and looked up to face her. I quickly wiped my tears and struggled to speak, my throat was dry. ❞Jack- Are you okay?❞ Ellie said worriedly. I smeared my hands against my cheeks and I just broke down into more tears. I buried my face in my knees and I held my legs close to my body. Ellie bent down next to me and wrapped an arm around me, which caused me to blush. I couldn't see myself but I knew I was blushing. Ellie patted my back and shushed me. ❞Shh- It's okay.❞ she said, rubbing my back softly. I felt so comfortable but also so embarrassed. ❞you fucked up.❞ I muttered to myself, trying to hold back the tears. Soon tears threatened to spill out of my eyes, and they did. Tears escaped my eyes and flowed down my face like a stream. I kept crying, and crying, until I heard some more footsteps.

a/n I don't really ship jellie so something is going to happen in the fanfic c: cause im an evil bitch

this really hurt me to post this cause jAck Im SorRRY

also I'll update again today

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