
52 4 3

7  l l Twinkle Toes l l

... . ..

"OW!No- Stop, just stop!" I cried in irritation as Daniel steps on me for the thousandth time.

I drop to the floor and start rubbing my poor aching feet. "Owwie.." I pout.

He scoffs , "Oh come on, you and I both know your enjoying our little Play date. Plus I'm not that bad."

I choke on my spit,

 "Your right, your terrible."

He glares at me, "This is all your fault, I wouldn't have to be learning this if it weren't for you!"

"What do you mean! We're in this together! A favor for a favor, REMEMBER! Now SHUT UP and get me a damn ice pack, you at least owe me that." I utter.

He grumbles a bunch of incoherent words before he walks away.

 I start feeling a little guilty.. Maybe I shouldn't have snapped at him, after all it's true I did ask him to help me.

I get up and look around his room. I grimace when I see a pair of boxers on the floor.. even if  his room is messy it has a lot of personality in it. I slowly walk towards the corner of his room where he has a glass case filled with trophies and pictures. I squint to read what the biggest trophy says,


TEAM CAPTAIN : Daniel Adonis (2014)

Next to the trophy was a picture of what looked like a team photo, I got closer and was able to make out...

 Daniel, Ridge. And Zaryn's faces!!!

"What are you doing?"

I shriek and jump 4 feet in the air.

"What the Heck!! You gave me a freaking heart attack!!" I said turning to face Daniel.

He rolled his eyes before handing me the icepack , "What'cha looking at Little miss nosy."

I scowled, "I'm not nosy, I'm curious. There's a difference."

He looked behind me and his face fell. I looked at him in confusion, "Whats wrong?"


I turned and looked at the trophy case, "Hey im not judging, It's impressive. It looks like you're really good."

"Was." He said before he took one last glance and walked out of the room.

I stand there for what seems like a long time, until I snap out of it and chase after him.

"Daniel?" I say as I search for him.


I continue walking all over his, mansion of a house, until I find him in his kitchen with his headphones on and his head down. 

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask him loudly. I know he can hear me.

"Go away." he says.

"Hey, whats wrong, tell me maybe I--"


"Are you sure--"

"Shut the fuck up and leave!" He yells.

I snap, "Whats wrong with you!! I'm asking you if I did anything wrong! I want to know if your okay! Its just a question!"

He gets up and flings off his earbuds getting awfully close to me, "You don't hear me asking you any personal questions! Oh wait let me start, Why don't you like Rowan? What, did he humiliate you? Did he cheat on you, Did he wrong you? Lemme' guess, he got with someone else because you weren't good enough--"


The loud noise reverberates in the silence. I don't even really feel the stinging in my palm.

Instead I feel the tears running down my cheeks before I even realize I'm crying.

"Fuck you. I- Y-You wouldn't get it... This was a mistake."

I grab my bag and run out. 


Walking down the street, I search for my phone in my bag to text my mom that I'm going to be a little late.

I let out a stir of curses under my breathe, "Dammit, I left it at his house."

The breeze starts to pick up which causes me to shiver.  I look around the street, not only is it getting darker but clouds are barely starting to form.

I get an awful feeling, and I start quickening my pace, I'm terribly afraid of the dark. Daniel's house is only 2 miles away from my house , if I walk fast then I can possibly get there before it gets any darker, and the rain starts to pick up.

"EMERY! " 

I turn around and see the asshole maybe 15 feet away.

I groan, and keep walking but faster.

"Emery! Just hold on." 10 Feet away.


"I'm sorry." 5 Feet away.


A hand pulls me back and I find myself face to face with Twinkle toes.

"Let me go." I snarl.

"Look, I'm sorry! Please just hear me out!" He says regret evident on his face.

"Why! So you can tell me to go away again!? Well here's a thought for you, PISS OFF!" I say managing to pry my hand from his grip.

"I guess I kinda deserve to be treated that way.." He grumbles.

I scoff, and continue my walk down the street

"I'll tell you why we all don't play football anymore." he states causing me to pause.

I ponder about this for a moment... I want to keep ignoring him, but the curious side of me causes me to turn back and ask him, " Why should I care to listen to what you have to say?"

The corner of his lips curves upward, "Because I know, not only are you dying to know--" He says reaching for his back pocket, "--But also because I know your gonna want your phone back."

He pulls out my phone and waves it around for me to see.

Well dammit, I guess I really have no choice.

So much for our little Play date.

... . ..  

: I hope you liked this chapter!  Are you excited to see what his explanation might be?? Tell me what you thought of this chapter in the comments! 


Edited 2/11/21

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