So this is gonna be kind of good
So tell me should I make this story with smutt 😚😊. Let me know 😉😎* Dan's POV*
We hit the ground hard,but I was saved by Phil's soft chest.
Phil's glasses hit the ground so he probably couldn't see me. I
felt a blush creep on my cheeks. I had never seen him in this position,so confused,so pale in the lighting, his hair covering his face,!*Phil POV *
The last thing I remember is Dan tripping over nothing and falling. I couldn't see anything so my glasses had to of fallen off,all I could see was curly brown hair.
I didn't even notice how hevey my chest was untill I seen his hair. I grabbed my glasses off the floor, I saw Dan there on top of me.
"Phil are you ok I'm so sorry!"Dan cried. His face had a deep red blush over it."I'm so so
sorry, I didn't mean to!" Dan hacked out in between cries."Dan I'm fine,it's ok you didn't mean to it's ok" I laughed. "Your ok?" Dan sadly said. "Yes"I giggled.
We go off the floor and Dan started to wipe his tears away. I looked at him the blush still covering his face. I called Dan's name,but he didn't look up at me. I didn't think much of it and went to watch TV.Dan's POV
Phil hadn't noticed that I had gotten to excited. I was so ashamed that I didn't even look up at him when he called me. He went and watched TV,but I couldn't let this go why did I think phil was hot.... I mean yeah he's good looking and tall, and pale,and his hair is perfect,and he never failed to make me smile,and I want to be in between his legs,but...wait WHAT!So this was longer almost 400 words. Yay! 💃 sorry I had to slay, but this indeed is a cliff hanger.
You will see what happens next time on dragon Ball Z 😂.... Sorry (not sorry)