P A R T - 5

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A guys walks in with a cowboy hat. He looks happy and excited. "Hi I'm Ned." He says reaching his hand out for you to shake. "Hey! Cool hat." You say shaking his hand. "It gives me confidence" he says flattered about your comment looking up at his hat. "Okay well you guys make friends while you show her the school!" The principal says shooting you out of his office. Ned shows you around the school. "Wow this place is bigger than the death star!" You joke around. He looks at you shocked. "You like Star Wars?!" He says eagerly waiting for an answer. "Just as much as Han loves Leia" you say smiling and assuring him. You are a huge Star Wars and Harry Potter nerd. "I have the new lego Death Star! 3,803 pieces maybe me, you, and my best friend can build it together sometime!!" He says excitedly. "That would be amazing!" You tell him. You guys continue walking and Ned just conti yes among and shaking his head looking at the ground. Baffled that a girl has his same interest. The bell rings and students pour out their classes, filling the hallways. "Oh! Speaking of... You should meet my best friend Peter. He's great you'll love him." He says. Peter? No he can't possibly be the only Peter in this city. You both walk up to someone and when he closes his locker you see the same dorky stuttering Peter that made you smile yesterday. "Hey Pete!" Ned says trying to get Peter's attention but failed. "PETER!" He says. Peter stops in his tracks and takes out his headphones. It was him. You smile excitedly. "Hey man!" He says doing a rather complicated hand shake. "This is the new girl in showing her around!" Ned informs Peter presenting you to him. Peter looks at you and smiles at the floor. "Actually we-" Peter was about to say something but Ned interrupts him. "I see your still on cloud 9 after you met that beautiful girl!! What's her name? Y/n?" He questions Peter while playfully punching him. "OH! Peter has a crush on his new neighbor!" He tells you trying to not did include you from the conversation. Peter turns bright red. "Oh by the way, Ned, I forgot to tell you my name... it's y/n" You say. Beds eyes turn big.

Lost  // Peter Parker// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now