2 birds with one stone.

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Louis's P.O.V

   I knelted on the edge of the banister that was keeping us on the balcony. I could here a weird clicking noise coming from the distance but I thought nothing of it. I began to speak but I just couldn'tdo it. Niall gave me an encouraging look and I felt suddenly more brave.

   "Zayn me and Niall are...gay. For eachother." I said speaking slowly.

   Zayn just stood there. Worry flushed over me as Zayn stood there. Was he disgusted like I thought he would be. I began to quietly hyperventilate and as I did Niall noticed and was frantic for an answer.

   "So what do you think?" Niall said very eagerly.

   "I don't care. Now let me finish my smoke." Zayn said smiling at both of us.

   He was ok with it! Thank god. I began to smile widely.

   After a minute of Zayn puffing his smoke he put it out and walked right back in the house. Leaving me and Niall alone on the balcony.

   I was about to walk in after Zayn but as I was Niall grabbed my arm and pulled me into a passionate kiss. It gave me that feeling Eleanor never could. The clicking noise seemed to have gotten louder but I ignored it. He slowly stopped kissing me and open the door for me. "After you my carrot lover." He said gesturing inside. I laughed at his cuteness and walked inside.

   As I walked inside I see that the boys were all just going about there day. So it really didn't matter that they knew. They didn't care. My fears were put to rest... at least for now.

   I sat down and pulled out my laptop turning to sugarscape to see if there was anything new on us.

   I clicked and immediately saw two articles on us. Not just us as a band but of me and Niall. I clicked the article and began to read them.

   "Louis Tomlinson reported to have tried to end his life because Ex- Girlfriend Eleanor Calder turned down his marriage proposal. Plus Niall Horan had been scratch repeatedly by fans leading to a tremendous amount of blood loss. Both were hospitalized but Are out and about and are do for an interview in 2 days."

   I smiled as I looked at the comments our fans left. Telling us they were praying and such. Niall was reading through them with me while my arm stayed around him.

   "Whatcha guys looking at?" Liam asked approaching us with a can of energy drink in his hand.

   "A article on sugarscape." I said looking for more articles but failing.

   "Be careful what you read. Stuff could really hurt." Liam said reading the articles to.

   I pushed the laptop shot and walked to the kitchen for a drink.

   I met up with Harry in the kitchen as I ran into him I decided to ask him a question.

   "So when were you going to tell me we had an interview?" I asked. Harry was smiling.

   "Oh Louis we have a interview in 2 days." Harry said smiling super cheekily. I just laughed and went upstairs.

   The day had flew by and before I knew it, it was the next day. I had woken up and gotten dressed and did my usual morning routine but as I was doing this I hear a phone go off.

   "Hello?" I could hear Liam loud voice say.

   "You need us there when?" I heard him say.

   "Is it that important?" Liam asked worried sounding.

   "Ok we'll be there as soon as possible." A urgent Liam said.

   "EVERYONE WE NEED TO GO SEE MANAGEMENT RIGHT NOW SO HURRY INTO THE LIMO!" And with a little fix of my hair and a quick tieing of my shoes I was downstairs.

   Everyone was down except Zayn. Zayn takes forever. After a few minutes Zayn finally slowly walked down the stairs. Liam gave a pissed off look to Zayn and we were out.

   We sat in the order we usually sit in. Niall Then Me then Harry then Zayn then Liam. We sat quietly for a few minutes before I broke the silence.

   "What do you think we're going for?" I asked trying to start conversation.

   "Simon sounded kinda irritated, But also a little calm." Liam said. That didn't help our situation at all.

   We had pulled up infront of the headquarters and walked in. We were sent straight to see Simon. They sat us all down in his room as we wait anxiously. Finally Simon came in holding what looked to be a laptop. Before saying anything he opened the laptop and as he did the headline shone bright on the screen....

"No...But how?" I said. How could they do this...


Heyy Guys. So You Said You Didn't Want The Last Chapter To Be A Long Cliffhanger So I Made This One A Cliffhanger To. Oh And Guess What... The Book Is Ending... On Chapter 15. But There Will Be.... dun Dun DUN! Another Second Book. So Yeah. This Chapter Is Probably The Crappiest One Yet But Yeah. Read With Joy Because This Book Will Be Ending SOON. Comment, Fan And Vote ~HaleyxXx

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