9:12? Nah its 11:06

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        "Now child, thank you for understanding," said the older man calmly conversing mid free fall.
        "ARE WE FALLING AGAIN? WHY DID I EVER DECIDE TO JOIN YOU AND WHAT WAS THAT STRANGE HOUSE?" the pubescent fool inquiring not-so-calmly.
        "That, my friend, is my house. I have it sideways as part of a ritual of defense."
        "What kind of ritual INVOLVES A SIDEWAYS HOUSE. Also, WHY ARE WE FALLING???"
       "Calm down, we won't feel any harm. Key word being 'feel'. Anyways, you don't have to yell because we are bonded using the power of gay love."
        "WHAT?!? I AM NOT GAY!"
        "Yeah, that was a joke. It's the echostone in your pocket."
        The fool opens his pocket to find an echostone that wasn't there before. Chances are it was slipped in there while he was sleeping.
        It is then that he realizes that the dark void around them is slowly lightening, becoming more and more opaque as time continues. Before long, both can see the vague outline of buildings.
        "Ditso, where are we going? Where are we?"
        "Welcome to a place I like to call The Land of Birbs."
        "Yes, Birbs. Now listen, there is something I want you to do Johnny."
        "Not my name, but what is it?"
        "Close your eyes, and say nothing."
        "Uh, ok I guess."
        The clown clothed man shakes his echostone and mutters muffled words into the air surrounding, his gloved hand reaching into a satchel marked 'Spare Toys', returning with a handful of what seems to be grain or seeds. With the slightest movement, the grain, or whatever it was, is released into the sky and plummets straight down, bunching and clumping. Soon enough, a large ball is formed and rapidly dropping down... and down.... and down..... and now it's on the floor off a warehouse in the middle of a compact city. 
        With the sight of buildings packed densely becoming sharper and closer, it becomes a struggle for the fool to follow Ditso's orders, opening his eyes soon after being offered not to, and he just witnessed a large ball of grain break through the roof of a warehouse. Yet, his trust in the total stranger remains. To seemingly reward such blind faith, Ditso adjusts his body, arms outstretched and mimicking that of a skydiver, gliding towards the child.
        With the stupid child in his arms, he zips down towards the open warehouse with grain scattering he floor, which somehow seems as though it is expanding. Expanding as much as a balloon being filled with air. Eyes filled with focus and confidence, the duo plunge into the storage facility, bouncing up and down on the soft and cushiony mattress.
        "YES!!! It works! Whoaaaa, portable mattresses yeah! You can open your eyes now."
        "Did you-"
        "Create seeds that bind together to form a dense ball that turns into a large mattress? Yes. Yes I did."
        "Why did you make me close my eyes? And why are we here?"
        "I didn't want you trying to aim yourself. I don't trust you to not kill yourself."
        "True. One-hundred percent true. Good call."
        "Now, welcome to Valin, smack dab in the center of The Land of Birbs!"

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