Who Said "I love you" First

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He did.
You and him had been dating for a month or so. You decided to prank him by saying Circa was missing. He got whipped cream to the face and Sam quickly brought Circa out and Elton didn't even care about the whipped cream anymore.
"Y/N! Oh my god! Why the fuck would you do that?"
"Oh, I love you Circa." He stood up and kissed you with the taste of whipped cream.
"I love you, but don't ever do that again."
"I love you too, Elton." He walked away to circa as you walked upstairs saying, "And don't plan on it!"

You did.
He was teaching you some dance moves and it was kinda complicated. Kinda short story short, you twisted your ankle and he ran over to you and held you like a baby as you chuckled to yourself of how cute and sensitive he is.
"Corey?" He hummed in response still hugging you.
"I love you." He let go and kissed your forehead.
"I love you too."

You did.
You guys were exploring an abandoned place with Sam and his girlfriend.
He got scared and tried to get you guys out of there. Sam and Kat got out but he stayed up behind for you.
"Y/N! Let's go! That was a loud crash!"
"I know! I accidentally stepped on something and it made a loud noise."
He looks embarassed and walked back to you.
"I thought someone was gonna get you. That's why I got scared. I didn't want you to get hurt."
You hold his waist and he does the same.
"Colby, you're too cute."
He smiles and hugs you.
"I love you." You say and he tightens
"Finally. I have the girl of my dreams."

He did.
He volunteered you to do a 3 am challenge with him and his friends.
Things led up to being enclosed in and salt circle for two and a half hours. During those hours, you fell asleep in his lap and your head laid on his shoulder.
He got up to put you in his bed. You woke up but kept your eyes closed. He kissed your forehead and laid next to you.
"I love you." He whispered.
"Aww. I love you too, Sam."
"You heard that?" You laugh and fall asleep in his arms.

He was singing to you and Buddy runs up  and jumps on you licking your face.
"Hi Buddy, yes I love you too." You say and he still licks your face.
"Do you love me?" He says as Buddy jumps off and you look at him.
"Yes, I love you too." You say kissing his cheek when Buddy comes back and stops you from kissing him again.

He did.
You were at a party and, get this, Bryce and Mikey come up to you and flirt with you.
Brennen sees this and knows how uncomfortable you are because it's Brikey. (The worst ship name in the world, might I add.) He steps in front of them and kisses you. They look confused and shocked.
"You have a boyfriend?" They ask and you say.
"Yeah, I have a boyfriend. And I love the little cover up of "I'll flirt with this girl so people don't think I'm gay". I've seen you're videos, I can only imagine what goes on go behind camera." You walk away with Brennen and he looks shocked.
"God, I love you." He says.
"Jesus loves you too, dont worry." I smile and hold back a laugh.
"Kidding, I love you too." You kiss him and can't help but laugh.

I hope you liked this shitty chapter! Do you want to see some imagines? Let me know and if you like this book and you also enjoy riverdale, go check out my Riverdale imagines and prefernces book. I love you guys! Byyyyeeeeeee!



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