Ghosts of the Past

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Sayaka and I sat up on the roof till it got dark and decided to call it a night. I quickly got ready for bed and climbed in looking forward to this weekend.
-Kabul Afghanistan-
Operation:Tiger Shark
Captain Matt "Kongo" Cooper works with the US Navy SEALs guarding a convoy of much needed supplies to an American forward operating base under seige.

I walk next to one of the tankers as it slowly makes its way down the narrow unkempt streets of the outskirts of Kabul. The convoy consisted of 11 vehicles, 2 fuel tankers 2 engineering trucks, a medical supply truck, an MRAP minesweeper  and 4 armed humvees to protect the front and back of the convoy and even an M1A2 Abrams main battle tank. My team of 16  SEALs were on foot gaurding multiple diffrent points of the convoy. We were moving the supplies in the dead of night which was usually extremely dangerous but due to heavy fighting during the day we had no other options. The base was runing out of everything from ammo to medical supplies, they wouldnt last another night. It was decided the convoy would leave that night with extra firepower to protect them. Even with night vision searching every rooftop window and balcony was simply impossible.  We could hear the distant machine gun and mortar fire of the nights fighting, one wrong move and that could easily be us. Squad comms right now were quiet and we really hoped it would stay that way. We were banking on the fact we had a tank with us and that they wouldnt be suicidal enough to risk an attack. Suddenly one of the men near the front started yellng.
I then hear the rocket slam directly into the lead Humvee causing it to go up in a huge fireball. The once quiet comms channel was now bursting with radio chatter
"multiple contacts! in the buildings!"
"where are they firing from! someone talk to me!"
"we need to get to cover now!"
Another rocket hit the rear Humvee as we ran into the nearby buildings for cover. The tank had nowhere to run and its crew began to fight for dear life. Its machine guns started firing and eventually the main cannon too. A shell took out an entire building sending rubble and our attackers flying. Yet they still kept comming. Some of us managed to make it into the buildings, some of us didnt and had to use the trucks and burning wrecks as cover. Shooting was even harder then normal becsuse everytime a weapon went off the night vision amplified the muzzle flash and partially blinded me for a few seconds but I had no choice but to keep it on cause without it I couldnt see a damn thing. Between the gunfire
and explosions I heard a sound Id never forget.
"please someone help me! I dont wanna die here!"
I look back out at the convoy and see one of the truck drivers hiding behind a Humvee while its machine gunner fired above him. I couldnt just leave him there, but going out to get him meant stepping into hell itself.I had no other options so thats exactly what I did, I ordered some men to cover me and made mad dash for the Humvee. When I got within a few feet of it, I heard the wail of a rocket. The vehicle went up in a huge explosion and then...I woke up, on the floor of my dorm room screaming. I take a minute to compose myself and remember where I am before I hear a knock at my door. Guess I woke someone up thats....Pretty embarrasing. I switch on the lights and open the door to find...Byakuya?

Sayaka PoV:
I wake up at around 11 at night to the sound of someone screaming. My room is right across from Matt's so I decided to check on him. I looked out my doors peephole and see someone standing outside his door. It takes me minute to figure out who it was, Byakuya. He was clearly about to chew Matt out for waking him. I was about to step out and intervene before  he said something that caught my attention.
"look I know youve seen some traumatizing things out there but will you shut up?  its not our fault you decided to go and try to be a hero"
What was he talking about? Does he know something about him I dont?
"h-how do you know that I-"
Byakuya cuts him off, rude as ever.
"oh please, of course I know who you are captain Matt Cooper, ultimate counter terrorist"
He pauses for a bit and Matt stays quiet.
"come lets go to the dinning hall we can discuss this over some late night tea"
Matt agrees and they both leave to the dinning hall. I secretly follow them and hide by the entrance of the dinning hall close enough to hear but still out of  sight.
"when youre as important as I am you have connections, My father once contacted you offering to hire all the members of Project Blue Steel to work as our private security team. A group of the best counter terrorists in the world capable of using complex and dangerous experimental equipment would have made your team a force to be rekoned with. He offered to pay you all enough to live in luxury for the rest of your lives, yet...You refused"
Byakuya said. To my surprise Matt didnt deny any of it and just nodded.
"yes...I remember that. I told him Blue Steel was not a mercenary group our goal was not to protect the wealthy or fight for whoever could afford us, it was to fight terror and dispair where ever it popped up"
Byakuka leans in slightly he actually looks a bit intrested.
"yet you shut down Project Blue Steel just months before comming here.... Youre a strange person Matt and I have many questions, but here's what baffles me the most. Youre clearly a skilled individual, able to strike fear into the hearts of even the most battle hardened fighters and kill a dozen men like some kind of war machine. Yet your choice of friends are clearly bellow you. That air headed singer and her group? Why even give them the time of day?"
Air headed?!?! If I wasnt trying to hide I probably would have walked right up to him and slapped him.
"I dont see myself as better then may not see it cause youre a stuck up prick but theyre good people and Im happy they accepted me into their group. After all the terrible things Ive seen people do to each other...Its people like them that help remind me that this world is in fact worth fighting for...Its people like them that but a smile back on my face"
Byakuya is quiet for a bit, Im guessing hes not used to being insulted. He fixes his glasses before standing up
"either all those explosions have rattled your brain byond repair or youre more naive then I thought Ill never know"
He said before turning to leave.

Matt PoV
"yeah nice talking to you too"
I say sarcastically, jeez that guys a real jackass. Since Im already here I decided to make a bit more tea and stay up a bit longer. As soon as I walked out of the kitchen I see Sayaka standing in the doorway with a gentle smile on her face.
"Is that really how you see us?"
I blush a bit and nod quietly. She heard that!?!? I really hope she didnt pick up on the fact I was thinking of her in particular. I grab her a mug as well and she sits across from me.
I pour us both some tea and Sayaka just looks at me while stirring her drink.
"so...How much did you hear?"
She smiles at me and takes a sip.
"oh you know just...All of it. So youre an military guy like Mukuro huh? Why didnt you just tell us?"
I sigh and look away.
"I just...Didnt want you guys to see me like Byakuya does. Im not just a killer, I didnt enjoy what I did and-"
She presses a finger to my lips and shushes me.
"relax we're not like him. I dont see you any diffrently then when I first met you and Im sure the others wont either. Ever since that first lunch we all had together we knew. You're special to us, you're....Special to me"
She then leaned over the table and kissed me on the cheek which really caught me off gaurd. I blushed hard while she smiled at me innocently and   giggled before yawning.
"Its pretty late maybe we should go back to sleep, Im really sorry I woke you"
She shakes her head
"no its fine really but are you...Going to be ok?"
I assure her Ill be fine and we both walk to our dorms together.

??? PoV

???: "so why did you want cameras in both their rooms again?"
I just laugh and watch the two of them sleep on the monitors
"theres been a change in the plan, his...Unexpected arrival really shook things up for us but thats ok. We'll show the world what happens when you try to be a hero....And well use him to do it"

Someone worth fighting for (a danganronpa OC x Sayaka story) Where stories live. Discover now