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Fate transcends all

The idea that our paths are chosen for us is as old as thought itself

It seems a law of life

It is not, fate is is not infinite, nothing is, and if not infinite, it can be surpassed

Fate will push you along, but you can push back

This is truth

Yet some say fate is all powerful

This is also truth

You see, all things are truth

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

And all things are beauty


I've been asked more times than i can count what my biggest fear is

Until today i couldn't have told you

I could have told you a few of the big ones



Death, be it my own or those close to me

But i could't tell you one

Today i figured it out

What do all of those things have in common?


Nothing that scares me can be avoided

All of my fears are inevitable. 

Therefor Inevitability is my biggest fear

In fact, the simple concept terrifies me

Perhaps that's why i despise fate?


I was alone

It was dark, i knew no fear

What is there to fear if there is nothing to lose?

Then by chance i stumbled into a light

Never had i seen anything so grossly incandescent

It was magnificent, I was awestruck

This light gave me hope

 This light taught me happiness

This light lifted me up

I am grateful for all of these things, but most of all

This light taught me fear

I had something to lose

And that is the ultimate gift of this light.

For feeling fear means i have a reason to exist


To truly understand anything you must discard the sentiment that you "know" anything

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