chapter 16

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Hi guys I know I haven't updated this story in a bit but here it is
Robin's POV

The date was great but today is a new day and I can't remember what I promised KF. Right now I was sitting on my bed. There was a knock on the door and I walked over to open it. I see Connor standing on the other side of it. "Are you busy."

"Yes and no. Yes because I have something planned with KF but I don't remember what. I'll just go and ask him."

"Wait I don't feel comfortable with you being along with wally." He said and I looked in his eyes.

"Do you trust me." I said.

"Yes. I did trust you." He said and I pecked his lips.

"Then stop worrying." I said and I kissed him again this time leading to a make out session.

"Please tell me your not ditching me again for Connor" I hear wally say. I pull back and I looked at him. I looked back at Connor and he was glaring at him. I roll my eyes.

"Connor I said you could trust me." I said and he just walks away. I sighed. "Come on in wally." He smiled and spead in. I walked back in and he held two controllers. I smile and grabbed one of them. We started play any video games that was already in the system which happened to be cod 2 (call of duty 2). We played the game for 3 hours and I just got bored. "Hey is it ok if I invite Connor with us."

"No. No boyfriend allowed." He said and I frown.

"Wally. I know you like me-"

"I love you dick. I don't I'll ever stop." He said. He leaned closer to me. I backed away from him.

"Stop. I can't do this. Are you trying to kiss me."

"Yes. Please Richard. I love you."

"I can't I'm with Connor. You need to respect that." I said walking towards the door. I opened the door and I see Connor. "Have you been listening to us the whole time." I said and he didn't say anything but he just glared at wally the whole time. I waved my hand in front of his eyes and his glare didn't  move from wally. He started moving forward and I placed my hand on his chest. "Connor don't do anything stupid."

"I'm not. I'm just going to beat the living shit out of wally."

"Why." Wally said and Connor growled. Shit this isn't good.

"Connor look at me. Look at me please." He didnt. I frown and he pushed me out of the way. He stormed in and wally used his speed to get out of the room. Connor chased him down the hall. I chased after them. Wally hid behind kaldor. I ran infront of Connor and it was my mistake as I went flying across the room. I groaned and KF spead towards me.

"Are you ok" he said and I nodded. Connor frowned and started his way towards me.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." He said and I slowly got up. Connor helped me. I looked at him and he was glaring at kid.

"Stop glaring at him. You need to calm down. I'm not going to cheat on you with him."

"I'm sorry. I feel so bad for hurting you." He said as he pulled me towards him. Kid left after that. "Are you going to forgive me." I nodded. He hugged me. I hugged back.

"Promise me you won't kill kid."

"Can I at least hurt him."

"No." He frowned.

"Fine I promise." He said and I peck his lips.

"Good now let's do something. I'm bored." I said and he smirked.

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