(Jimin;Jungkook) Your Turn

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I've no idea how I got this one. Just bare with me❤️✨
You watched as you saw Jimin kissing another girl. How he happily enjoyed their moment was different from when you two do it. You saw even his smile in the kiss. The pain in your heart had been triggered.

Your heartbeat dropped when you saw his gaze fell to you yet he smirked and kissed the girl more, making her let out a soft moan.

You couldn't bare watch so you removed your marriage ring and threw it to their place hitting Jimin's cheek. The lady gasped as she just noticed your presence just now.

"I'd be setting out divorcement papers by tomorrow. Plus, I'd make a request on transferring offices!" You said trying not to croak out a cracking voice. You then left and headed straight to the office of Your father, the owner of the company where you and your ex-husband are working.

"Appa, i request my office to be transferred from 20th floor to 16th floor" You stated slouching on his luxurious sofa of red cushions.

"Why? What seems to be the problem of your office transferring that you had to barge in my lovable sofa?" He asked looking at you, fixing his eyeglasses.

"I just don't wanna see my ex husband" you sighed causing him to shriek and look back at his computer.

"I wouldn't be surprised y/n. Anyways, Transferring your office from higher positions, why'd you wanna transfer to stock mangement floor?" He asked curiously from his upright position.

"Uhm... Guts? Anyway, please hurry the transfer. Just move one of the stock mangement officers up to my position and you might even help that person. So, want Kimbap?" You said standing up and fixing your clothes.

"Kimbap it is!"


Everynight was a valley of tears. You can try to hide it during the day but slowly, the pain was killing you. But not all the things are bad.

Ever since you had transferred, everyone in that floor was happily getting along with you, of course treating you with respect. You liked them and you had a lot of friends by now. Yet there was still the gap of Jimin in your heart, a gap no one could fulfill.

A specific boy had also been helping you. His management skills were quiet outstanding so you questioned always, why he wasn't noticed. His name was Jeon Jungkook. He lets you call him kookie as an endearment and you fully enjoyed his company.

He teacher you a lot of things associated with job and it was impressive, but sometimes, his lessons are life-worthy. You bet Jimin didn't even know those stuff.

You begged your dad to not fire Jimin just because of you. And because he was an awesome dad, he really likes Kimbap.


Today, your company was celebrating your anniversary of 25 years in industry and since your yearly cliché had come again. The cliché was that your company getting even more and more better, gaining more interests, investments and savings.

The first part was the remarks, second was the games, third was the foods and fourth, the closing.

And fortunately, remarks had just finished so now was the games.

All employees were grouped according to company position and you were grouped in the Stock Management group, luckily, all had the most excellent cooperation. Yet, you picked Jungkook, being your best friend, to be your partner in every pair games. Your heart also broke when you saw Jimin pairing up with the lady. What was her name again? Seulgi?

"Now, for the game of pairs, we called this made up game 'reach your dreams!' It's quiet a challenge since you see, hanging from the ceilings are so many papers of different colors. You will pick a color and grab every paper with your color in it. Sadly, no one will be using any furnitures" the emcee teased and everyone gasped at the challenge. You laughed with Jungkook. This was a literally easy you said.

"So, teamwork is a must. This game also represents a value of our company, the teamwork to reach our goals!" The emcee cheered and everyone clapped and cheered at his statements.

"Now may we ask the participants of every group to come forward and pick your designating colors"

You and Jungkook had represented your team. Jimin and Seulgi for the Higher positions. And the rest was also getting in line.

"We'd get Blue!" You stated. Jungkook smiled at you showing bunny teeth, he agrees. So cute ^_^

"Ok, everyone to your positions! ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO!"

You climbed on Jungkook's back and started to grab papers of the color blue. You were having so much fun while Jungkook always jokingly wiggle trying to scare you. You didn't mind it since you knew he'll catch you.


Jimin's POV

I silently watched as y/n grabbed color blue papers while on some boy's back, she looked so happy while I was struggling to keep Seulgi in balance.

"Yah! Jimin! I said go there, I can't reach that Yellow paper!" Seulgi kicked. I gave her a glare. I'd should've picked y/n as my partner. Oh right, she was on lower position's group.

"JIMIN, HURRY TIME IS RUNNING AND WE ONLY GRABBED FOUR!" She shouted enough for me to hear. Annoying cow.

I glanced again at y/n and she had loads on her hand. I unobviously walked near them. Seulgi was busy reaching her stars or whatever.

"Kookie-ah, head to the right. My arms won't grow longer!" Y/n sweetly commanded at the man called Kookie.

"You are so short!" The kookie stated and they both laughed. How can I not be the man making her happy?

"Ok. I can't see any more blue! Except your shirt and mine hahaha!" Y/n laughed. The kookie looked at her and laughed.

"I see one. There a little closer to your right, by that girl wearing yellow" Kookie man said. He referred to Seulgi I suppose.

Y/n looked at Seulgi then at me. I had frozen in my spot at the sudden eye contact. She looked at the paper that kookie man had pointed then laughed.

I saw how happy she was with that kookie. Wasn't she that happy with me? Was she? All I ever did was hurt her.

I feel so left alone.


Ugggh! School work is so stressful so I had no chance of update. Anyways, Part 2 anyone?

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