meeting Nico's dad..(pls send Will help)

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~this might be a bit confusing, as it will be going in Will's thoughts, to  his memories and to story events, not everything will be in order so bare with me. also, violence trigger!!~
fanart of solangelo coming soon~

"H-how am I gonna be able to do this!?" Will shrieked.

"There's no need to panic" Nico promised, although Nico was breathing at an alarming rate. "It-its just my dad" he took big gasps "just this huge"-gasp- " Catholic "-breathe-" business owner-that could totally be homophobic, and told make us break up because he doesn't want me with a boy and oh my god-Will!" Nico cried.

"Calm down Nico. breathe" Will gave Nico one of his famous calming smile. "You'll be alright sunshine" he said, giving Nico a tight hug, for reassurance, but Will could deafeningly feel how quick his breaths and heart were."shhh.." Will whispered to Nico, for fear one of them would go into a panic attack. "Your okay.." Will soothed.
"I-I'm just scared. I-I want to be with y-you f-forever b-but my dad c-could change that" he whimpered. "'ll be alright sunshine.." Will whispered back, humming a tune "I'm so scared" Nico whispers for the last time for the night.


Will had gone back to his house after he was sure Nico was sleeping(hoping he didn't have a nightmare) he crawled into his bed, under the warm covers, eventually falling asleep. (Which Will didn't think would work because he was so worried).

He woke up in the lazy afternoon, Nico had said to come over at 5 PM(that's when normal eat dinner...right???)) sharp for dinner. Will was still terrified. Nico had said that his father-Hades,was very traditional and stuck in the past, stubborn to his ways. That couldn't possibly be a good thing. They were so extremely screwed..

Wear something nice-just not too nice. The same instructions he was given when Will met Naomi's now-ex husband. He hated that guy. But of course with good reason.


He was a bit younger back then, not looking much different with his curly golden locks and crystal blue eyes, his tan and freckled skin. Before he met Nico-Will was in the eighth grade. The summer before his freshman year. Naomi hadn't said much about her new boyfriend, just that he was very handsome, and smart. Honestly, Will wasn't sure about him-but he made his mom happy. So it didn't really matter to him, especially after all his mom went through with his biological father..


A white button down shirt, and a pair of clean pair of dark blue jeans, Will ran a comb(or tried to) through his hair, after he got out of the shower. he inspected himself in the mirror. His blue bell eyes staring back at him. his usual smile. He looked just like he did on possibly the worst day of his life. 

6:37. the clock reads as Will sits at the table, his mom wearing a simple sun dress, the color of opal, knee length with a pair of black flats. The other man sitting at the table(on one side of the four sided, square shaped table) sat a man. Yes-he was very handsome, Will could definitely see that-but there was something off about the guy.  he had this black tousled, oddly enough-a completely white suit, Will found it slightly over kill, but didn't say anything-as he didn't want to come off rude, plus he wanted the guy to at least be nice to him. 

But Will had to overlook the man's flaws, as long as it meant his mom was in a loving, caring relationship..right? 


Will had gotten the flower ready and everything, he passed his mother in the living room, they went through the stereo typical 'oh you look so good'. Will had rolled his eyes at his mom's ridiculous antics, but he still had a smile. "its not that big of a deal mom.."
"not that big of a deal?!" Naomi mocked "Your meeting your boyfriend's father. That's a HUgE deal!" she exclaimed, making Will's stomach churn with his nerves. 
"not helping my anxiety mom.." he grumbled, leaning against the wall, trying to calm down

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