70.6 score--SCIENCE FICTION--A Noble Demon--Kyle R

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A Noble Demon by Kyle R



  Only two months after his birth, a boy loses his family, home, and identity due to mysterious circumstances. With no intact means of identification, the boy is named after the only discernible piece of identification that survived the fire, the letter K. Much time passes, and K, now a young man, feels isolated and alone, resenting any powers that be for leaving him with nearly no one. But just like the classic movies K knows so well, he will discover that he is destined for amazing things... just, maybe not amazing in the way everyone expected.  


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Tim Flecher said: "So I made the drastic mistake of reading this while listening to "Whatever It Takes" by Hollywood Undead, and now I think my head's messed up for good. Seriously, though, this story was pretty good. I don't usually like the weird super-hero elements in books, but I thought in this one, it was pretty well managed. It didn't just throw you out there without explaining everything. It wasn't confusing. I guess I sort of have love-hate feelings about this book. It was so feaking bad yet so freaking good at the same time. I really hated the main character, but at the same time I kind of liked him. I feel like he made a lot of bad decisions—I mean, he fell in love with a demon—but at the same time he has so many relatable conflicts of emotion...I don't know, guys. My head is so messed up. I'll give it a 80/100. I mean, I dunno—maybe more, maybe less. I'll just leave it there."

Sarah Hous said: "Honestly, this is the weirdest story I have read in my life. I really hated it all the way through until Lily died, and then I guess I sorta cried over that, so now I have to give it a 80/100 because if it makes me cry, it's a good one."

Kimberly Ellis said: "I wanted to hit the buzzer when Gabriel showed up, because I thought, "White clothes and this guy who talks to many people at the same time—this is a Christianity mirror book, I'm gonna love this." But then it was just so messed up through the rest of it...No, I didn't like it. He fell in love with a demon (who was portrayed like an angel), God was portrayed like a careless bozo, and the devil was an idiot. 15/100"

Micky Dawdrill said: "Freaking heck, I loved this story! It was so darn strange! And I loved the "Dark One" people. That was just so awesome. And the thing at the end where Kayden or K talks to the reader was so freaking funny—yeah, bro, I love movies too, by the way—and when he started talking about the directors he liked? Gosh, my neighbors probs think I'm insane, I was laughing so loudly...sheesh...Spelling and grammar was pretty good, just a few minor mistakes here and there. I'll give it a 99/100 for this awesome story."

Phillis Nelton: "I got to say, this story really wasn't up my alley. It was freaky...I can't say I didn't like it just because it was well-written. But the story was just so strange. He fell in love with a demon?? I guess I'll just say 55/100"

Bill Fallace: "For such a complex plot and unearthly themes, this novel was written incredibly well. The grammar and spelling were decent, the plot was smooth, the characters were well developed. The only thing I didn't like about this book was the way it switched from different characters' perspectives. Writing in the first person has that one huge disadvantage—it's difficult to make smooth transitions from one place to another when your reader is supposed to be seeing things through one person's point of view. It got a little difficult to be constantly switching back and forth. But aside from that, it was all good. 80/100"

Tanya Jackson: "I thought this was a pretty clever novel. The characters were really vivid and the plot was capturing. This style isn't exactly my style, but it was well written, and I didn't find many errors. I didn't much like the first person, but it was ok. It was interesting how everything was in the present tense, too. Also, I kind of feel like maybe this book needs/has a sequel? (And by the way, Kayden, I read your story in 4½ hours—that wasn't too long to wait, was it?) 85/100"

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