42 2 9

"Baby?" Luhan slowly lifts her face to face him. Her eyes are red and puffy due to all those crying.

"I am not going to leave you. You understand that?" She nods

"About what I asked you, take your time but never think I am not serious about you or I am playing with you" He says carefully placing his words. He understands how vulnerable she is, emotionally unstable. All he wants her is to trust him.

"Oppa?" She calls him with a questionable eye


"I know we spoke not to speak about this for a while, but what happens when I have to leave" Luhan's face changes, he saw that coming. But that is one question which he doesn't have an answer to. What the future holds for him is unpredictable. But he also knows, the day keeps getting closer for her to leave every day.

"Baby, I don't know what happens in four months but always remember this is what I believe i, 'Everything for the good, everything happens for a reason.'"

He kisses her forehead. And continue to slowly rock her.


Luhan's phone pings, he frowns thinking to himself, today his day was off what is it and picks the phone. It's from Chen.

'Hyung we are going to the mall. Join us with Kyung. Are there any tarts left I want some too.' ~Chenie chenie

'She has class and I am not in the mood to go, so enjoy yourself. There are no tarts' He replies back plainly and puts the phone on silent.

"What time do you have class and part-time"

"2:00 and at 4 I have part-time Why?"

"Because I wanna know more about my girlfriend" Luhan places Kyung on his arm and pulls a blanket over them. She moves closer to him embracing her skin against his warmth.

"Kyung?" She looks at him

"I want to ask you about your past, only if you are okay with it" Her eyes fade.

"It's fine, do you want to go somewhere?" Luhan tries to change the topic.

"It's fine, ask what you want" She says and the same fear he saw in her eyes flow back again.

"Leave it. I know it pains you to talk about this"

"Oppa it's fine, just ask"

"We will stop when you are not comfortable"

She nods.

"Where is your brother?"

"He lives in California with me. We don't stay together now because I go to university and had to move out two years back but before we used to live together"

"How close are you guys? Does he know about me?"

"He loves me with all he has, I never told you about him" Luhan frowns

"Will he like me?" Luhan asks and Kyung turns and sits up to see his face.

"What if ever EXO-L'S find about us you will be all over the media. I don't want him to know me like that"

"Oppa as long I am happy he will be okay"

"I hope so" Luhan mutters.

"Did he raise you up?" Kyung suddenly shifts and he notices her uncomfortable behavior.

His arm curls around her shoulders and he draws small circles on her bare skin. Calming her.

"He was the one always there for me. When I first came home from the orphanage. I remember mom telling me how much he stays at home now because I am there and he wants to spend time with me."

"He would always tell me stories before bed. Tell me how his day and ask if I am liking it there being at home with him, mom and dad. He came home every week from college once he left even it was 5 hours away but still he used to come. He tells how much he misses being with me"

"How do often do you see him?"

"it depends, if he misses me he flies to my university to see him. He is coming in two weeks here" She says and stay quiet.

"WHAT?" Luhan shoots up

"He has work here and he wants to see me so he is coming for a week. I want him to meet you"

"I am out of town I will make it next time" Luhan says clearly making an excuse. She notices cold sweats on his temple.

"Oppa stop lying, he is not going to eat you"

"No, but-"

"Even I don't know how he is going to react. I never had a boyfriend before. But be ready for brotherly warnings"

"How motivating" Luhan mutters

"Oppa you will fine"


Hey Guys,

How is Kyung brother going to react to Luhan and how is Kyung planning to tell her brother about Luhan. Considering the fact, she never had a boyfriend and is overprotective about his sister.

Ping in who will give an ideal brother from Kyung.

Thanks a lot for supporting my work. Please continue to. College is tough for me. I will try to post as frequently as possible. But please don't get mad if I don't. I know it's frustrating to have cliffhangers. But where is the fun without them heheheheheh......

So until next time my beautiful readers,


Sarangae <3

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