The Not So Lucky Shot

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January 28th

"Trisha! Pass me the ball!" 5 minutes and 29 seconds into the first quarter off my basketball game and im all ready warn out . I watch Trisha as she dribbles up the court, breaks right, and fakes left, stops and bam! The ball is in my grip. Crap! i didnt expect her to actually pass me the ball. " Liz! Shoot the ball!!" my  coach and teammates yell. This is it , my time to shine. I ready myself and take the shot, before any of the opposing team come to surround me.  The crowd goes wild. A shwsh, i made it ! Good job numer #15 i hear as i run  up the court to go back on defense. Its just a 2-pointer why are they so excited , i touhght to myself. When i get the chance i looked at the score board above the opposite net, 3-0. Hmm i wonder who made an earlier free-throw.


Thats it im exsausted , now entering the end of the 2nd quarter . Finally. I thought to my self, as my coach switches me out for a quick water break. on my way to the water my coach gave me a high-5. thats strange he never gives me a high-5


Bzzzzzzzz. Theres the buzzer signaling the 10 minute half time break. As i come back from the water , i hear a sigh of relief from the remaining girls running off the court. Trisha runs over to me , trying to catch her breath , manages a breathy ,"Hey liz nice shot out there, I didnt think you'd make it from all the way over there. And did you  hear the crowd! Ha, they loved it! Good way to start the game!" "Thanks " i mumbled . What is she talking about it was just a shot, just 2 points. "Hey can i have some of your water?" she asked as she batted her eyelashes and smiled real big, breaking my train of thoughts. "What? oh um, yeah , here take it, hey lets go to the breakroom before coach 

Austin gets mad at us and starts yelling at us"


"Hey coach Austin, here they come!" yells ally another girl from the team. "Alright ladies nice job out there. You're working hard , nice score 19-13 lets keep it up. No time to slack off. Show them what you got, or as doc says ' show them the bid-nez'". "Hey coach?", another girl interrupts "How was liz's shot?" "Oh, it was freakin' awesome, i certainly didnt expect it. Nice job liz " as he motions for another high-5. "Coach Austin, 3 minutes till game time" intterrupts the varsity coach or coach Doc as we all call him. "Good job ladies, lot of hard work and improovement out there, i know that we can get the 'W' today. By the way Liz, great shot out there." There it was again , whats so special about my shot . i thought, as i sit there i nod to thank him as he swiftly exits the room. "Ok ladies, time to shoot around before second half, Trisha will you lead us as we break?" Trisha stands up as we huddle around her. " Great job ladies! Lets go out there and show them ' THE BID-NEZ' and get that 'w'! PANTHERS ON 3!!! 1 - 2 - 3! PANTHERS!


With only seconds on the clock we're tied 30-30. I dribble up the court, for a lay up, and violently get swatted. dang it there goes our chance to win. The other team steals the ball that has been swatted and passed to #10 , bzzzzzz theres the buzzer siganling the end of a lost game. just as the buzzer is going off #10 goes fo ra final shot at the half court and, makes it . The refs count it and its the end. Final score 30-33. The panthers have once again lost anoher game. On my way out the litte freshmans that played before us complimented me on my shot from the beginning of the game, I thank them and run to my coach. "Well ladies it was a close game, but at least we had fun. See you tomorrow for practice." [everyone exits exccept me and coach ] " Hey coach, quick question, why did everyone keep complimenting me on my shot at the beginning of the game?" Coach austin chuckles," well Liz you made a three pointer from a far away corner, which is hard for most players on our level to make non the less swish without hesitation." i stood shocked . i actually made a 3. Without even trying ! "Nice job Liz, have a good night" says coach Austin as he exits the gym.


my story isnt about basketball, maybe just this and a couple of other instances through out the story :) hope you guys enjoyed it so far

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