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I go to my room, to do homework, I'm pretty sure that our teachers lost them minds. This is too much homework for one person, and honestly, I can't find power to think. Just the thought of touching one more nook makes me sick. I sit down, next to my desk. This murder case like a puzzle, we need to solve it, but we don't have all of the pieces, what is a puzzle when it's not complete?

I hold the pencil, I try to read the words but my head is spinning around, like I'm drunk or something. I am too tired, but I have to do homework

I hear loud knocks on my door "Where are you?! There's breakfast!" Nash is saying "Let me put some clothes on" I slam the door in his face. In my closet, I see the same clothes that I wear every day, every second. I look in the mirror "Let's go" I say "How are you?" he asks "I have never been so scared." He holds my hand and look into my eyes "I think I know what the drug is" he says, both of his hands holds my face, then I kiss him "This is the drug." He says, our forehead are one against the other "You're strong enough." he says.

He opens the front door, I see my friends sitting next to each other, laughing. I cannot think how it could be if my mother would be here now. But not giving up on her means to give up on my love, I look at Nash that takes for both of us food. I would never give up on him "Hey" Tom touch my shoulder "How are you?' he asks with his British accent and with his beautiful smile, his blond hair lays easily on his head "Aren't you hungry? I'm starving." He says and I go after him "I'm so sorry for you that we haven't found the book you wanted" he says, I feel how sad he is for me on his voice."Its okay, we'll find it."

I see Nash shakes his hand for me "I need to go, come to sit with us!" I say to Tom "I will." I go away, thanks god he can't read my thoughts "Hey" he gives me my food "Thank you." I smile to him and he smiles to me. "What you're learning for first hour?" Tom's asking "I have science" Jordan says "It's the most boring thing ever, I wish I could sleep, but every time I close my eyes Anna sees me and she says 'Jordan stop sleeping on your desk! It's not a bed'" Jordan imitate her with evil voice, he starts to do impersonations of her "Oh! I'm such an old woman, I'm going to die and I dont have kids yet!" everyone laugh, besides Nash Mali and I, we're looking scared "She's behind me right?" Jordan asks "Yes" she says back to him "Young Jordan we have a lot of things to talk about, to my office now!" she yells at him "I need to go" Jordan picks up his bag "Be strong man." Nash pats on his Nablus; Mali is laughing "I knew that it would end like this" I said.

"Anyways, what lessons you have now?" Mal is asking "I have sport." Tom says "I have history, what about you Mal and Sky?" Nash asks "I have art lesson." I say "Me too! Let's go to class together "she picks up her bag, and so does I. I go behind her "She haven't told me something that might help." She says even though I haven't asked "We would find something, I feel it." I say and open the door.

I take brushes, and canvas to paint on. "Hey, start to draw; today we're drawing a view from our life. A place we love in school, a room. Other beautiful place we've been in" Anne says "I know that usually Marian is teaching you how to paint, but she's missing now, so I'll do what she asked for me to." Anne is a teacher that taking control if teachers are missing. I hold the pan, I hear the music, and the beat makes me think about the big city, even if I've been there only once. I feel like I lived outside the walls my whole life, which wrong. I take the dark blue and paint with it the sky. Then with yellow I draw the buildings windows, and then I clean the brush in the cold water, I see how the color spread all over the water inside, how it create a beautiful thing.

I look at Mail's drawing; she drew a little girl holding a teddy bear, in front of her there's forest, it's like she wants to go inside, but she scares to find what's inside. Just like me, I want to know the truth, but, what if it's more dangerous then we all thought? What if we'll die just to find what the truth is?

"Amazing!" Anne looks at my drawing "Yeah, I loved to draw since I was child." I say back "I also loved to draw when I was little" she looks at me sadly "Why you stopped?" I ask "I went after my mother's steps, to be a teacher, she wanted me to be her, I ended up doing what she wants and not what I wanted to be." She says and goes. Her hands are behind her back. Like Jacob.

I look at the drawing from far and think: what do I want to change in it? Is it enough for me? Do I love it? Is it ugly? I sigh. I think that it's nice, it's not my best, but it's nice. "Are you coming tonight?" Mal is asking. I hold the painting in my hand and we goes to our rooms, our luck that I got room number 148 and she got 150. "Coming to where?" I ask "I guess that Jordan forgot to invite you, he said that he'll tell you but Anne caught him laughing on her so he couldn't tell you. Nash Jordan Tom and I are going to the lake, late swimming, are you coming?" she asks, her painting is heavy for her "I need to think about it, I will wait for you outside at nine, then I'll tell you if I'm joining you." She nods "Bye Sky" she goes. Two rooms is the distance between us.

I sit down on my bed; I take my mother's old diary and start to read.


Today is the day; we're going to let the world know everything! No one would stop us.

"Come down!" I hear "Coming." I say back.

He looks at me pale "What happened?" I ask "They're here." I look outside; even through my window I can see Cassandra's face. "I heard what you plans are. And I'm sorry" she says, I guess that she's not that sorry after all, even in the day that she's going to jail she keeps on fighting for something she knows she'll lose "Come outside! It's such a beautiful day!" she laughs, I walk outside, and then

Then what? I guess that it's the time she got murdered, she wrote a few pages, and I guess that she had to do other things.

I throw the diary away. It wasn't helpful at all; I found out that I have a brother called Ethan. But who's Cassandra? Maybe she's them leader? I lie down and cover myself up. All of those thoughts made me sleepy.

"You all need to pay! All of you! No one laughs at you when he looks at your faces, and you two" she looks at us "Was never supposed to know about it!" she yells, the gun in her hands is shaking, she doesnt know how far she'll go with it, Jordan cant stop looking at her, his eyes can't get down from the gun, and then, the shot. I hear the bullet getting shot, against me, he jumps to save me. The blood all over his chest, I push my hands against it, to stop the bleeding, but it doesn't help. He's dead.

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