The next day....(Self-harm Warning skip until it says "u gud" if that hits a spot💚💚) You wake up and look in the mirror. Logan is at the gym so you go to the kitchen and grab a knife. You run to your bathroom. Slowly you put the knife to your wrist and cut 3 times. You clean up the blood hide the knife in a drawer and take a shower. (U Gud)You put on.....
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❤: jackaverymusic, seaveydanie l,134,000 others @PaisleyMariePaul: You can't hold on forever....... Comments User1:So Pretty Seaveydaniel: Hope your ok LoganPaul: U gud bro...... Jackaverymusic: Sorry.......
You suddenly hear footsteps and a door open then close..... It's Logan and the Why Don't We boys "Hey!!" The boys all yell except Jack "Hi" I say in distress "Ummm... Paisley can we talk in private?" Jack asks "Sure, I mean you can't hurt me any worse." I say then say the last part under my breathe Convo..... "Hey, I'm sorry" Jack says "No, don't be I should have known not to fall for you." I snap back You start to walk in, but Jack grabs your wrist causing you to yell. "Ow!!" I say tears now rolling down my face. "What's this!?!" Jack exclaims pulling up your sleeve.......
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Think I might post again tonight maybe.....💚💚